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    1. …in reply to @David_Rudnick
      @David_Rudnick i disagree, to the extent that i helped run a festival about it (Now Play This: our whole thing was about showing art & games in a way where the boundaries between them were hard to distinguish - which is also how i feel)
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @David_Rudnick i also feel like (thought the boundaries, are, again, blurred) that toys, games and videogames are qualitatively different things - though you can play with all of them.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @David_Rudnick however, i do feel pretty ambivalent about the effort to make videogames more respected by insisting that they are high culture, not low culture. by putting them in galleries and making rich people feel worthy for paying attention to them. even though, yeah, definitely did that.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @David_Rudnick the fact that videogames are kinda trashy, kinda disposable, kinda tawdry... that's one of the best things about them. and people can get very defensive & try to pretend that's not the case, and i think that can be a p embarrassing look.