v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 67,349

  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @LucieHolliday @JolyonMaugham honestly this is one of the tragedies of the polarised debate on trans issues - a given trans person is likely to agree strongly about wanting to expand the permissible range of gender expression (for all genders). but it's dangerous to express that publicly.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @LucieHolliday @JolyonMaugham a hypothetical example : if you are a trans woman, but sometimes like to dress in traditionally masculine clothing, that can be used (for example, by doctors, when seeking transition care) as evidence that you're not really a woman, shouldn't you think a bit more about this
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @LucieHolliday @JolyonMaugham that's not every trans person. but the effort of shaping your story so that it is legible within traditional gender norms is definitely something that a lot of trans people face. and... we're the ones who best know how arbitrary & mutable gender is
        1. …in reply to @v21
          @LucieHolliday @JolyonMaugham like, search twitter for the phrase "abolish gender" and you'll find a lot of trans people.