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    1. …in reply to @Ninfa_dp
      @Ninfa_dp I think it comes from a background of being a designer-programmer (and also being quite lazy). Makes you think hard about whether any particular feature is going to pay for itself. And also lets you change you mind at any time until you've actually made the thing.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @Ninfa_dp tho, on an actual team, the changing your mind thing is actually just annoying & makes the rest of the team feel insecure... so I have been trying to manage that one. But you can have a plan & still validate your assumptions at each step.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @Ninfa_dp I do still over-design, but it's adding in little twists of complexity to features (that don't really increase the scope when building it, just make my life harder when trying to tune the system later)