v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 69,827

        1. feeling weird about things opening up, people going back to work etc. right now things feel pretty normal... but actually, i'm still feeling the effects of this fatigue thing that started last summer, and i'm not sure i actually can go back to how i was living before
      1. …in reply to @v21
        this week i have been trying to work from a desk rather than from bed, and i find myself pretty out of it by mid-afternoon. imagining a half hour commute at either end of that... not sure i could manage it, tbqh.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      grateful that i know about the social model of disability, because yeah, that's the deal here. the way society is now, i'm not disabled. but if society goes back to how it was, yeah, i might well be.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    (i'm not especially posting this to look for sympathy - life is fine for me right now, i can do my (interesting, well-paid) work, i'm doing up this flat i just bought, i can see friends, my health is at a point where i don't have to constantly think about it...)