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        1. best recent book about a queer person subverting and/or being co-opted by an evil space empire?
      1. …in reply to @v21
        personally I think it's the Locked Tomb trilogy, but it is far more concerned with what it's like to endure trauma than with the mechanics of empire and how a system can co-opt you (which is generally what this genre is about)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      this thread has some good recommendations in it! I want to also shout out Leonard Richardson's Situation Normal, which is really full of ideas & also concerned with how unpleasant war can be in a way that these books can sometimes skip over crummy.com/writing/Situation%20Normal/
  1. …in reply to @v21
    just finished @benjanun_s's Machine's Last Testament! i recommend it, it takes a lot more joy in it's sentences than the genre usually does & takes a lot of care in describing what it feels like to inhabit the evil empire