v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 70,051

        1. if you care about the environment and have about two billion dollars going spare, this seems like one of the better uses for it @hautepop/1393966876619837441
      1. …in reply to @v21
        can I explain this in a tweet? Tether is a cryptocurrency which a company creates and promises they will buy back for a dollar. but they have created 59 billion of them & clearly don't have $59 billion. somehow they end up being given away to people who use them to buy Bitcoin.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      2 tweets? since each of them is nominally worth a dollar, the price of Bitcoin has really been going up! (this means people use more electricity making more Bitcoin). if someone tried to cash in a lot of Tether, eventually the company would go bust, and Tether would be valueless.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    okay, three, that's pretty good still. and since Bitcoin's price is based on people buying it with $1 Tether, it'd also drop. so: bet on Bitcoin's price dropping, sell Tether Inc a few billion Tethers, and you can make a lot of money & stop people from using a lot of electricity.