@landroverchick @MikeWhitneyUK @PickardJE the constraint is that you can't safely run many more trains along the line, and running trains of different speeds is less efficient than running trains of the same speed (because the fast trains can only overtake the slow trains in stations).
@landroverchick @MikeWhitneyUK @PickardJE so you move the fast trains onto their own track, and then you can add a load more slow stopping services onto the old line
@landroverchick @MikeWhitneyUK @PickardJE if you're building a new fast line you might as well pay a bit extra to make it even faster - but that's not the real motivation
@landroverchick @MikeWhitneyUK @PickardJE this does depend upon then running more slow services, of course. but right now they can't do that, and you can do that incrementally in response to demand in the way you can't build a whole new line.