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  1. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal we did a book club discussion on it (in @come_home_dad's Discord) - one thing that's kind of interesting is how it turns the idea of the portal fantasy inside out. the fantastic and strange place through the portal is the normal world.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @notquitereal @come_home_dad thinking about, like, a book in the Chrestomanci series, with all it's long setting up of this mean aunt, and what the playroom looks like, and how he obtains the brass coin he needs to give to a mermaid, and brief sketched glimpses of tropical isles /elsewhere/.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @notquitereal @come_home_dad but the mundane setup is in this fantastic Halls of statues and tides, and the glimpse is of policemen and drawing rooms. and still the same thing, actually, as the Chrestomanci books - as a reader you're always slightly ahead of the protag, wishing for him to be less trusting.