v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 71,099

    1. Comic Sans is derided because it is widely used, and it is widely used because it solves for things fonts have traditionally been bad at. It is childlike, casual, friendly. It does not try to claim authority, but rather takes a low status role.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    This is why it's the perfect font for a passive aggressive note: the message gives a command, but the medium of delivery disclaims its authority to give that command.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      I'm having a nice week off.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        I guess what I'm more interested in than the status of Comic Sans is what is says about the intuitive design sense of the passive aggressive note maker. they are selecting a font for a particular affect. they are actively engaged in design at a high level!