v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 71,870

  1. …in reply to @LiaSae
    @LiaSae i wasn't doing the yelling (not absurd enough to break my soft rule of not promoting things i hate), but i got it in this case. from the glimpse i saw, the appeal was pretty much solely to identity, with no (?) ways that it would be actually less shitty in practice.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @LiaSae fwiw, i appreciated that Monzo let me change the name on my card to "v" based on me just telling them "this is the name i go by" rather than needing to actually go via deed poll. that was a nice inclusive thing for a bank to do.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @LiaSae i guess more - it feels like a healthy community immune system response to reflexively reject (& mock!) calls to identity that don't seem to be backed up by meaningful changes to policy.