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  1. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 i haven't read Empire Games, but I did recently burn through the series up to that point in a few days where i didn't really want to deal with the real world. and i reckon you should just skip to Empire Games, tbh?
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @mcclure111 there are some fun ideas, but not enough fun ideas to be worth those thousands of pages. if you get the point about mercantilism being an outmoded economic model, then you get the point.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @mcclure111 (talking about the themes of books 5 & 6) nyfb gur ynfg pbhcyr bs obbxf ner uvz jbexvat bhg uvf ntterffvba nobhg HF vzcrevnyvfz, rfcrpvnyyl er Vend. naq ur'f abg jebat, whfg... v qba'g guvax lbh arrq fryyvat ba gung bar.