v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 73,825

  1. A DAO cannot represent worker power. It is a fundamental consequence of the underlying technology that control cannot be held democratically, only by shareholders of a greater or lesser share of the governance tokens. Capital, in other words. @ljin18/1464994679468998661
    1. …in reply to @v21
      for more on this, google "Sybil attack" and see my previous thread @v21/1447573883364773892?t=kTKrWthKKozTFWILSnslbA&s=19
      1. …in reply to @v21
        But I think she knows she's not being serious. "balancing the interests of capital providers vs. active contributors" is the fundamental problem the labor movement is attempting to address. If that is a weakness of DAOs, then what use are they for workers? @ljin18/1464994707256365064?t=6_1-k1yUPdw8wP8VGQusIg&s=19