v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 73,829

  1. …in reply to @ctbeiser
    @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect I was part of a collective that put on video game parties. We made deals with bars, collected ticket money, paid out to artists we were showing, even collaborated with games festivals before we bothered to set up a legal entity.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect "the venmo guy" model works fine as long as you can trust the venmo guy. but if you can't trust the venmo guy, the small social organisation you're talking about is fucked anyway, and in much more fundamental ways.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @ctbeiser @SamAugustDean @isosteph @opencollect the fundamental problem with the DAO solution is it is trustless, so now everyone has to be deeply involved in exactly what's happening with the finances. and nobody willing to put the time into that is any fun anyway