v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 73,869

  1. …in reply to @SelectivePress
    @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler typically with rent controls, new builds are able to set the prices where they like - it's just increases from historic rates that are prohibited. i believe this is how it works in NY & Berlin, for example.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @SelectivePress @fr_oblivion9 @radical1979 @CurtFinch @LotusEater29 @michelletandler if i was in charge, i would end Right to Buy, allow councils to borrow to build more council housing, and bring in a land value tax (to discourage land banking & second home ownership)