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    1. …in reply to @Love2Code
      @Love2Code generally very onboard with this, but i think the specific example of HTML Canvas APIs are interesting. i do a lot with them & i find that they (like much of the web platform) are stable and can be relied upon, as well as having useful functions i can use directly.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @Love2Code but lower level APIs can cause problems, because to use them, I find myself reaching for libraries that abstract over them, perform useful tasks etc. and then those change, because the maintainers want to improve them, or because the way stuff is packaged changes
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @Love2Code in a world where all dependencies are statically linked & the building process stays reliable, low level APIs are a good answer. but often providing a higher level API can help because it means your code is closer to a slower-moving bit of code.