v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 75,477

    1. …in reply to @yaxu
      @yaxu @TomNullpointer @toxi It can definitely work for some people - but if someone was asking me if they thought this was a viable path to invest in, I would likely say no. If the threshold for success is something like "invent Tidal" then it is a high bar to reach!
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @yaxu @TomNullpointer @toxi which is not to say that I don't appreciate the work you've done (or regret running CBDQ, which is the closest thing to open source that I've done). but. it's a community built on joy and not payment commensurate with labour.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @yaxu @TomNullpointer @toxi Tom touched on this already, but it bears repeating that the people who can afford to invest heavily in joy and not worry quite so much about income tend to have a certain demographic profile. Which is not to diminish the importance of joy! But it is worth thinking about.