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  1. hard numbers for ethical boardgame manufacturing @TheOneTAR/1493707369112506372
    1. …in reply to @v21
      incidentally, for videogame people unfamiliar with the economic logic of making boardgames, this thread will absolutely let you understand why boardgames are such a thing on Kickstarter (and videogames aren't, really, not any more)
      1. …in reply to @v21
        (also, as someone who used to be in the boardgame world, ugh ugh ugh at trying to deal with the logistics crisis, new VAT rules, and also Kickstarter turning to Web3 bollocks. people still making it work: you have a lot of respect from me)
        1. …in reply to @v21
          anyway, yeah, it turns out that having strong market signals of demand, direct to consumer margins AND getting the cash before you need to pay the manufacturer as opposed to many moons later... is pretty powerful in a business with high upfront capital expenditures. who knew?!