v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 75,720

    1. …in reply to @visakanv
      @visakanv yeah. for me it was expressed as "procrastination". task is stressful. thinking about it is stressful. so, a fix : avoid thinking about it. now it is more urgent and therefore more stressful. apply previous strategy.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @visakanv this is a unhelpful little cycle to be stuck in, but you can rise out of it by realising it's unhelpful. unfortunately, you can also realise it's unhelpful but ingrained, and then instead feel shame about that. and thinking about that is stressful. can you guess what next?
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @visakanv I guess this is your self-authoritarianism, but for people with an avoidant mindset.