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  1. i'm not going to GDC, but i am speaking there! talk about supporting employees with chronic illness, Tuesday, 10:50am schedule.gdconf.com/session/independent-games-summit-making-room-for-accessibility-health/885356
    1. …in reply to @v21
      i will say that it sucks that (even if you pay GDC $650) you can't stream the talks. will be posting up a transcript, and maybe a video, after i give it.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        I did the talk! Was great to present with @finalfinalgirl & I think we tag teamed a similar message pretty well. It is weird to present remotely, and just talk to the little Zoom self view, and trust that there are some people hearing you, somewhere out there.
        1. …in reply to @v21
          Aaaand: I put up the transcript as a blog post, for those who didn't happen to be in the room. So, here are my thoughts on how to help out employees with a chronic illness: v21.io/blog/gdc-chronic-illness-talk