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        1. …in reply to @intrcnnctd
          @intrcnnctd @genmon okay, so there's a lot of good replies to this looking at it from the point of view of the economy of domestic labour etc etc. but there's an area which i think would be a precursor to this, in that it is a more constrained problem in the same space.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @intrcnnctd @genmon and that's automated clothes manufacturing. if you can have robots reliably and accurately manipulate fabric, then you can make an automated factory to make clothes. which is something there *is* R&D money trying to solve.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @intrcnnctd @genmon and it's a way easier problem to solve - the items of clothing are identical, you don't have to worry about children wandering around, you can start with the very easiest parts. but we don't have that for anything more difficult than, like, hemming towels.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @intrcnnctd @genmon (knitting machines are a bit of a special case here, but that's just because it is a single machine that can produce a 3 dimensional form all by itself - you're not manipulating it after you produce it)