v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 76,498

  1. …in reply to @_Tom_Henderson_
    @_Tom_Henderson_ are games more delayed/shipped buggier these days? feels like that's always been the case, although if you're gonna postpone stuff these days maybe you'd enjoy the excuse of *waves hands* all this.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @_Tom_Henderson_ also... office leases are usually negotiated a few years at a time, managers have a job that involves "talking to people" so will feel differently from people who "actually make things", and "measuring productivity" is a difficult & subjective problem to solve!
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @_Tom_Henderson_ like, ime, upper management's main concern with WFH is not productivity, but things like "long term team cohesion" and "innovation due to serendipitous conversations". the 'leccy bills did not enter their thinking!