v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 76,573

  1. have been spectating this & it's pretty fun to watch! set up in a really thoughtful way, with each player having private "confessional" channels, roundups, spectator chat etc. feels like being in the Survivor editing room. @doougle/1510955514766962688
    1. …in reply to @v21
      the thing about this type of game is that it quickly becomes incredibly complicated and time consuming. the people who commit to it, win. and the game is real time, you can post constantly. so, thinking about my current "limited vocabulary" kick... @v21/1500638220446490625
      1. …in reply to @v21
        what about running a game like this on a platform where you could only send, say, 5 messages a day (across public/private forums). and all of them are tweet length. of course, you can cram a *lot* into those messages, so maybe it still eats your life just drafting & redrafting
        1. …in reply to @v21
          the important thing, tho, is that you only receive messages in a batch, at the end of the day. so you know that you need to pay attention once a day, and don't have that nagging pull the rest of the time.