big news: "It thus becomes possible, and we hope even convenient, for choice-based games for console, mobile or desktop to use Inform, if they wish, purely for world-modelling, conversation, or dynamic text generation." intfiction.org/t/inform-7-v10-1-0-is-now-open-source/55674
these release notes are inspirational. the 29th anniversary of Inform's first release! the largest ever literate program! a whole new infrastructure and scaffolding, but still keeping surface level compatibility!
some beautiful sentences in the source code: "Scenes are gated intervals of time, but there are more than two gates: for while there is only one past, there are many possible futures." (ganelson.github.io/inform/if-module/3-scn.html)
this is one of the most charming files of source code i have ever read "Version 2 of Metric Units (for Glulx only) by Graham Nelson" github.com/ganelson/inform/blob/master/inform7/Internal/Extensions/Graham%20Nelson/Metric%20Units.i7x