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  1. the "user story" template is there in an attempt to stop people from implementing stuff for vague internal reasons without reference to actually improving the experience for users. but if you need that forcing function, you've got bigger problems. @lauraklein/1520908876790468609
    1. …in reply to @v21
      admittedly I'm extra bitter about them because I work in games, and half the job of game design is about making users, sorry players, want things. as a player, I want the difficult-to-obtain items to have a glitter effect so that I will... what? it doesn't work.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        let alone "we need this feature because otherwise there aren't enough sinks for X resource, plus it gives players a nice moment where they can have a meaningful interaction with NPC Y". it's hard enough to build things that I'd prefer every feature to solve multiple problems.
        1. …in reply to @v21
          I guess the other part of it is the NIH syndrome of... well, I'm a game designer, that means I'm comfortable inventing little rituals for people to do that steer their behaviour in a certain way.
          1. …in reply to @v21
            what if we replaced the user stories format with a small child who keeps asking "why?" until they receive the answer "to deliver value to our shareholders"