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        1. i would enjoy occasionally reading a Letterboxd equivalent for videogames
      1. …in reply to @v21
        Steam reviews look similar, but don't really work the same way, imo. Letterboxd is not really about "should I buy this", but is just as focused on people making lists for themselves, and also has interesting comment posted as bait to draw an audience out to podcasts/blogs.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      i guess the answer here is "there is backloggd.com but there's not the same culture of film nerds trying to impress each other with criticism for it to really take off in the same way"
  1. …in reply to @v21
    again faced with the fact that technical features are much less important than thoughtful community building (i mean, i haven't spent enough time with either to really see how they do community building, but i'm just Assuming...)