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    1. feels like so much of the job of a game designer generally is "to figure out structure from first principles given the specifics of the game" @NotBrunoAgain/1541749817097027585
  1. …in reply to @v21
    sometimes game designers (of all types) get despairing about this and start writing some giant tome about "here's how it works, once and for all", but that's not me. i love working in a medium where the answer to every question is "it depends".
    1. …in reply to @v21
      (though i should note in fairness that this is not just a property of games, this is also every medium i've tried to do something in at a serious level)
      1. …in reply to @v21
        anyway, i guess what i'm thinking about is how reading the textbook A Game Design Vocabulary really made me aware of the tightrope they successfully walked between being prescriptive & being so vague as to be useless
        1. …in reply to @v21
          and also reassuring a junior game developer i worked with who was worried they were structuring a game design doc wrong - and i told them that there was a format i was using but it wasn't official, just something i made up & seemed to work. if it communicates the right things...