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            1. if you want to understand what a company is likely to do, or cares about, it helps to understand what it's incentives are. so let's do Unity, the most popular game engine for indie devs:
          1. …in reply to @v21
            found a writeup of it's latest quarter: gamesindustry.biz/articles/2022-02-04-unity-revenue-up-44-percent-to-usd1-1bn it says to me: - Unity is making a loss - Unity makes most of it's money running it's ads & services platform - and loses money on the whole "game engine" bit
        1. …in reply to @v21
          speculating here, but the "game engine" bit is probably actually only 50% from making videogames, versus rendering architectural walkthroughs, car visualisations, film previz, military sims, etc etc. indies are a small chunk of that videogames bit, and F2P probably the biggest.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        now, it's obviously not quite that simple - the reason people use the ads stuff is because they are making the game in Unity & it integrates nicely. so they can't just dump the game engine & focus on the money bits. but.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      and the other big thing we're missing is that a company is not a person, and can't really be said to have "feelings". what are the incentives for the execs? money, which means stock price, which means giving the market good news, which means flashy acquisitions & layoffs.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    but also the basic fundamentals of the business say that the engine is a loss leader for getting people to use their ads platform.