v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 78,994

      1. …in reply to @polclarissou
        @polclarissou @everestpipkin the metaphor of "enclosing the commons" I think explains some of the difference between these things & what's happening with large image models
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @polclarissou @everestpipkin but also it's kind of not about the specific technology and more about the ways they are currently deployed and what forms of power they concentrate. if these image models were open source and you ran them on your own computer the situation would be a little different
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @polclarissou @everestpipkin rather than: the company trained the model, they're the only ones with the beefy computer than can run it, please pay them a subscription to generate the image - which is, again, sourced from the uncompensated labor of millions