v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 79,419

    1. …in reply to @1bardesign
      @1bardesign @KommanderKlobb @grapefrukt @ruby0x1 @AndiJorgensen @luxeengine it would be totally fine for Wilmot, GPUs are capable of handling a real large amount of polys, you could make those graphics as smooth as you like. ... but also you can make all that stuff work just fine with normal textures, and all the tooling is set up for that, go that way
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @1bardesign @KommanderKlobb @grapefrukt @ruby0x1 @AndiJorgensen @luxeengine for ref, the two games I did SVG stuff for: Mutazione & Beasts of Balance