v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 81,230

      1. I am largely not on Twitter any more, because *gestures in an expansive kind of fashion*, but do seem to be intermittently writing on Cohost: cohost.org/v21 if you like "me having thoughts about things", you might enjoy reading it?
    1. …in reply to @v21
      have recently posted about the (good) TV show Columbo, about the (good) film Michael Clayton & about a weird picture I saw on Wikipedia. also if you don't wanna sign up for Cohost (fair) you can just read the page/subscribe to it with an RSS reader.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    it's interesting to write these tweets & realise I have lost a little of the instinctive sense for how long a thought can be before I run into the character limit @v21/1596489841650577408