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  1. …in reply to @jessefuchs
    @jessefuchs @metasynthie I wrote this, which isn't about that specifically, but does get into the nature of big AI models : v21.io/blog/how-to-find-things-online
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @jessefuchs @metasynthie as a tweeted answer: roguelikes & such rely on manual rules to put a world together. randomness, but the weights & possibilities are chosen by hand. AI models have weights, but they're learned from training data - and the training data is "everything they can find".
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @jessefuchs @metasynthie so the flavour of those models is... the flavour of the internet, with all its biases & grossness & SEO-ness. that's the difference - aesthetically, anyway (lots more to get into on ethics & feedback loops & security) (okay, two tweets)