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              1. to reiterate the quoted tweet but in a less funny way: graphic design as a profession was irrevocably changed (and diminished) with the introduction of user friendly desktop publishing software. AI just won't have as significant an impact. @banditloaf/1660775029800419328
            1. …in reply to @v21
              ever wasted a bit too much time trying to make a slideshow look nice & feeling frustrated because it still looks a bit crap but also why does your job involve, like, caring about fonts and colours and trawling through stock images? well, it *did* used to be someone else's job
          1. …in reply to @v21
            but of course the fact that it was a specialised job meant you had to argue about the budget and time for getting someone to make the slides, and that meant you used slides less, and less casually when you did
        1. …in reply to @v21
          in many ways the whole Comic Sans thing is about exactly this. the transfer of power from graphic designers, paid in part to have taste, to random users who want a friendly looking sign. hating Comic Sans is saying: designers brought value before, and this is what you're missing.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        yet again, jobs are never just automated away. instead the attempt to automate them changes the nature of the job, the labour involved slips away and pops up on someone else's plate.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      Thinking of the DTP revolution again with this thread @itsNickHa/1667221807307575297?t=skhUciMr--K9Uq8Cfw5nnA&s=19 especially the bit about pulling being an entry level task that's useful for getting people into the industry & giving them practical experience.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    guess this is the thread where i collect examples of automation changing the nature of the task & moving labour around, rather than just simply replacing it londonreconnections.com/2021/the-political-myth-of-the-driverless-tube-train/
    1. …in reply to @v21
      oh hey, another one (i once worked adjacent to telecoms, can co-sign those systems being way less sturdily built than you'd assume) retro.social/@ajroach42/110444033768569333
      1. …in reply to @v21
        1. …in reply to @v21
          oh! here's the essay that was scratching away at my brain when i started this thread: logicmag.io/failure/the-automation-charade/
          1. …in reply to @v21
            and via @xuhulk & @jomc, this great bit of reportage about the people that train the current generation of AI theverge.com/features/23764584/ai-artificial-intelligence-data-notation-labor-scale-surge-remotasks-openai-chatbots