v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 82,280

    1. every now and then i find i have something involved to say about Flutter development, despite the fact that basically no-one who follows me on here knows what i'm talking about or cares. i feel basically fine about this, but it doesn't stop the urge. anyway:
  1. …in reply to @v21
    with the new switch syntax, it seems like it's pretty much just as easy to write a onGenerateRoute() as it is to do things via go_router? i might be missing something, but it seems pretty straightforward & go_router seems to have a load of sharp edges once you get advanced...
    1. …in reply to @v21
      update on the above: i was missing something but i have a new boring thing to say: wow, it's so satisfying to replace if else chains to the new switch statements & get exhaustiveness checks thrown in for free. love to shift errors from runtime to compile time.