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      1. I'm obviously especially interested in this article because it's my former employer. But I also think outside of that, it's interesting to read this & think about the role of the ERG & the DEI chief in this story. theverge.com/2023/7/7/23787809/niantic-lawsuit-systemic-sexual-bias-pay-disparity
    1. …in reply to @v21
      the ERG did advocate against management decisions, even when it was uncomfortable. but involvement in the ERG was also brought up as a reason for retaliation. and ultimately the things the ERG could do were constrained by management.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    I mean, my take away, unsurprisingly, is that ERGs are what an employer wants you to have instead of a union, and these messy half steps are exactly why. That's the structural incentive, although obviously there's a lot of people with good intentions clouding up the issue.