v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 82,722

  1. …in reply to @urLocal_Popeyes
    @urLocal_Popeyes @Kotonoaware @pajamaboin @_drewseph @AndreaAHarris1 @vanoreo_ @jessfromonline the British suburbs of which I was referring largely developed out of villages which were connected to the central city via a railway line in the early 20th century. when that's the dynamic, then there's a strong push to be walking distance from the station - and thus density.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @urLocal_Popeyes @Kotonoaware @pajamaboin @_drewseph @AndreaAHarris1 @vanoreo_ @jessfromonline it's a different dynamic than you're used to! maybe you wouldn't even call them suburbs! but they exist - I guess the equivalent in the US would be streetcar suburbs?