just watched that Unreal VR vid (lorenschmidt.itch.io/dungeon-decorator), and suddenly i have THOUGHTS about VR editor design. okay:
first off : floating gizmos attached to your hands? grabbing with laser pointers? why not make things much more physical?
you don't need grid alignment, move-along-x-axis. just grab and move. and maybe optional gravity instead of floor snapping.
mainly, though: why is it at that scale? why isn't it a dinky little tabletop scene, with a "warp here and look about" tool?
the sensors are accurate enough and your arms won't get so tired. you can have the overview, eye up alignments etc much easier.
and you can make the tools exist in the space, make them discoverable. a scale wand, a grab wand, a texture wand, a spawn wand.
(shortcuts on the controllers, too - but an endless drawer full of models would be nicer than a virtual iPad of rendered previews)
i totally know why you'd do it this way first, and can feel the pain of hacking in VR to a unwieldy beast like Unreal. but in the future...
nice article on UX for VR - things people trip up on: medium.com/@timoni/ux-pointers-for-vr-design-dd52b718e19#.k34o5gwd6