@jwaaaap assume you'd have read a bunch of these... Day of the Triffids (and Wyndham generally) is perfect for this.
@jwaaaap I love the sense of the everyday lives of various strata of society in The Space Merchants (beautiful offhand worldbuilding)
@jwaaaap Constellation Games is the best scifi book I've read about videogames.
@jwaaaap Of course, LeGuin. I kinda want to reread The Dispossessed again now.
@jwaaaap there's a strand of children's TV I grew up with that had protagonists who treated very weird things very straightforwardly.
@jwaaaap which feels very British, very childlike and very real. Examples: youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_495760&feature=iv&src_vid=lVbQco001_M&v=oNTIBBYf9C4, Woof!, The Queen's Nose.
@jwaaaap oh, and last one: One of my favourite books is Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner. I love the way the collage of scenes builds up.