spent my bike ride home thinking about politics. while all this Labour party stuff has went on, Theresa May set out some actual policies
& they're... sensible? fairly left wing? have a focus on inequality and supporting not-London? (they're pretty similar to Milliband's pitch)
like, May's track record as Home Secretary still suggests she's evil on a stick... but where does Labour go up against that?
it's kind of hard to credit these days, politicians doing very smart long term thinking and not massively fucking things up. credit to her.
Oh, good, Tom Watson is going for her theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/jul/13/pmqs-cameron-may-reshuffle-labour-leadership-bid-as-mcdonnell-defends-claim-that-anti-corbyn-plotters-fucking-useless-politics-live?page=with:block-57868297e4b033b610b6dcab#block-57868297e4b033b610b6dcab him and Khan seem to be the only ones in Labour who are currently effective.