@thatJaneNg @LiaSae the US is easier because that's where the center of gravity for media, shows, platforms, big publishers etc is
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae (VC funding too). but sometimes in Europe you can make a living making games with government/cultural funding !
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae though this is basically great & has enabled a lot of good stuff, there's a problem where it can cause a disconnect with the market.
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae which filters into funding programmes requiring business cargo cult stuff, which ruins the games & doesn't make them commercially viable
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae all of which said, it's still a much better situation. but you can also achieve the same effect by just starting with a pile of cash.
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae or, for health: just ... not having health insurance for a while, and not getting unlucky. that seems pretty common, too!
@thatJaneNg @LiaSae (uh, and obviously all of these factors bias towards rich, young, well-connected people. that's the big payoff to fixing this stuff)