imagine how many people have been scared away from coding because they assumed they were meant to understand git
the thing about git is... it's really hard to get rid of it. Github uses it, various package managers use it, the sunk cost is enormous. and the fundamental design of it is fine. the only real problem is that it is incredibly user hostile, which turns out to not quite be enough!
gamedev is actually kind of a special case, because we often need gigabytes of binary files to make our software, which *is* a weak spot of git. Plastic is up and coming, apparently it's nice?
maybe gamedev can be the lever by which we get broad support for a version control system that doesn't hate it's users uh, although apparently probably not Plastic, news just in: @lazerwalker/1580283300530204674
i should follow this tweet up by saying : git is bad, but it's definitely not exceptional