v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 52,490

    1. …in reply to @bekokstover
      @bekokstover @derElbi @the_nomi @RottenHedgehog @LorenzoPilia @enibolas @BerlinGamez in Beasts we have some references in the beast names, but we try to make them satisfying even if you don't get the joke. (which maybe the night vision duck is doing, too). I think of this as the Dreamworks approach - jokes for the adults, kids are oblivious & enjoy other bits.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @bekokstover @derElbi @the_nomi @RottenHedgehog @LorenzoPilia @enibolas @BerlinGamez references (even obscure ones!) can be chill - there's something to that feeling of intertextuality? thinking of Spaced & even Ulysses. although both of these can be alienating for that reason.