v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 52,704

  1. …in reply to @FUZxxl
    @FUZxxl - yes (well, adding a CoC & processes, yes) - with care! this is why it's good for the CoC committee to be separate from the main organizers & generally non-judgemental. focus on "keeping people safe", not being a judiciary. there's more resources i could link, if you like
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @FUZxxl - generally, providing a safe space & well defined spaces gives more people the confidence to speak up & express themselves. if you have difficult content, that can usually be worked through, and flagged appropriately. it's easier to talk about stuff if the ground rules are clear
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @FUZxxl (for example: generally talks at CCC won't have any sexual content. but i'd love to hear about sex toy security! it's easier to talk about that when the presenters and audience are clear about what content would be shown, than if everyone has to feel through themselves)
        1. …in reply to @v21
          @FUZxxl generally, people think quite carefully about this stuff, and try to actually deal with tradeoffs in real life. it's not a series of wild hypotheticals! there are best practices here!