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    1. …in reply to @khalkeus3d
      @khalkeus3d quaternions are a set of 4 magic numbers that together represent a rotation. one awkward effect of that is that rotating by Quaternion A then Quaternion B is probably going to be different to rotating by B then A.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @khalkeus3d why use quaternions? well, primarily because 3d software engines use them. but secondarily, because of this gimbal lock thing you were reading about, which means that for some orientations you have to do some funky stuff to euler rotations to make a seemingly minor change
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @khalkeus3d how quaternions actually work (what do the numbers mean?) is wayy deeper than you need to understand unless you actively like maths. thinking of them as like a matrix that only handles rotation, a black box of math that you can apply other math to is the way i go.