v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive—№ 53,532

      1. well, since i was _asked_... Labo looks great! It's a great toy, really smart use of repurposing the joycons (and the infrared camera which previously didn't have a use!!!). and uses cardboard really well - decorate it yourself! repair it! let kids loose on it! @Eastmad/953968244666314752
    1. …in reply to @v21
      sidenote to call out how well Meowton stood up to having kids clambering over it for week: @patrickashe/952865376664281090 inspirational durability of cardboard!
  1. …in reply to @v21
    also sidenote shoutout to @vivschwarz talking about how popup & slidey-bits book design is partly about designing the books so that parents can repair them when kids fuck them up
    1. …in reply to @v21
      but: Labo is a really fun toy, but I don't think it's more educational than just... cardboard. maybe a tiny bit? but it's about FUN not STEM (and not making Makers). i mean, creation is fun, but the point is the fun, not the creation.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        all of which said, the Toycon Garage is very exciting polygon.com/2018/2/1/16960622/nintendo-labo-toy-con-garage-custom-feature