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      1. interesting comment from Vitor Batista on this interesting article about Into the Breach - it's more of a puzzle game than a strategy game, because there's very little hidden/random information gamasutra.com/view/news/315058/Reimagining_failure_in_strategy_game_design_in_Into_the_Breach.php
    1. …in reply to @v21
      i played a campaign yesterday and it was interesting how little i cared about seeing opponents play out their turns, or planning ahead for a new turn - instead, it was all about getting out of *this* sticky situation
  1. …in reply to @v21
    further thoughts: it's a masterpiece, but i don't love it. given a choice between the tight, measured, balanced thing & the wild oh wow oh what oh, hah! thing, they went for the balanced thing every time.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      this could be felt most strongly in the choice of what battles to pick. there was rarely anything that drew me in, compelled me to see what was what. but the single turn loop of "he's webbed, but i need him *here* to kill this one... oh, if i..." - top quality Interesting Choices