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  1. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt recent, maybe relevant example: finding coins in Minit. there are 17(?) in total, the game tells you this, each is a well hinted puzzle in the world, and rare enough, unique enough and contextually supported enough I never felt any urge to rub up against the rocks.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @lorenschmidt I mean, all this is based on a deep & developed sense of trust & communication with the design. Everything hinted, a setup & payoff, everything comfortably possible, the human hand hiding each secret within a setup that'll vary each time.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        @lorenschmidt A parallel : I'm stuck on a puzzle in The Flames (Puzzlescript game). I have three barrels, I need two later, so I know I need to consume one in an interesting way (not, of course, leave it aside, or burn it early)