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    1. …in reply to @radiatoryang
      @radiatoryang oh, I so disagree! this post goes off for a few paragraphs ragging on the theatre audience, and tbh I'd much rather have the games audience than the theatre one. games culture, maybe not so much... but I definitely don't want to escape into making stuff only for posh people.
  1. …in reply to @v21
    @radiatoryang and amaze is great (hey, I just landed in Berlin!), and also shoutouts to Feral Vector, Playful Arts, Screenshake (RIP), etc... but as @thecatamites laid out in yesterday's blog post, indie games basically sell to the same people that games in general did before they came along.
    1. …in reply to @v21
      @radiatoryang not that any of this should be taken to be ragging on creating new audiences, new ways to talking to them, new conversations in games...