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        1. Different Games is cool & this theme is cool, but there is a part of me that chafes at this bit of the open call 2018.differentgames.org/arcade/
      1. …in reply to @v21
        if our weird & broken & not-fitting-into-the-same-monolithic-conception-of-what's-good games are worthwhile, it is not because the company that controls a good chunk of the market deems them so
    1. …in reply to @v21
      ugh, i queued up another tweet or two about this, but it got lost. twitter. anyway: as the open call says "We have the power to redefine what games can be and the power to expand our understanding of what “good games” are."
  1. …in reply to @v21
    found it: if we need Valve to tell us we're cool to be cool, we're not cool. we're only cool if we think us telling ourselves we're cool is enough (yes, we might need Valve or similar to make a living doing this stuff. but that's very different from making something worthwhile)
    1. …in reply to @v21
      but also: this is not to put this open call in particular on blast. it's an attitude that seems pretty endemic, and not one i'm entirely free from. but let's focus on building the places we want to live, not on impressing or persuading or defeating the monoliths.
      1. …in reply to @v21
        and... also, yeah, this open call seems pretty good? i've heard decent stuff about Different Games. seems like they're happy to run games from people who can't be there in person, too?