v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2017/02

  1. I spent substantial amount of today dithering about cycling to work/home. And I am very glad I did. @tigershungry/826578089777958913
  2. …in reply to @v21
    like... especially these days, when shows are designed as one long arc through a season, and the story always has pointless loop-de-loops
  3. …in reply to @studioanisa
  4. RT @TorstenBell: The youngsters are going to have to work quite a lot harder than you did to make that whole home ownership thing happen...…
  5. …in reply to @vivschwarz
  6. I enjoyed this profile of the mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani quantamagazine.org/20140812-a-tenacious-explorer-of-abstract-surfaces/
  7. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw i'm awake... wait, does this mean i'm not indie?
  8. …in reply to @hownottodraw
  9. this fills me with unbearable tension @Eiyeron/826755949234880516
  10. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe i want to design a syllabus with you
  11. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood yeah, right?!
  12. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ @rotational i like the caption about Millets
  13. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc I liked it for that reason? There's a reason I used a wrestling term when I linked it.
  14. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc ah, i didn't think you were. but yeah: for me, this piece is not very interested in "reality", which is a good place to start!
  15. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc ah, i think the difference is that i read it assuming that it was gonna be about the persona. so i didn't need an explicit nod.
  16. …in reply to @v21
    @hoskingc in fact, re-reading, i think it's a bit too harsh on her for her "playing at" "posturing as" (also lying, ie the Styles stuff)
  17. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi hah. and i was just about to try to sum it up/sell it in a paragraph
  18. …in reply to @v21
  19. RT @xannov: Oooooo. I found the @beastsofbalance .stl files. Now my project group can each 'own' a little beast :o)
  20. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @alexhern it's okay Alex, I'll back you up, we can take 'em.
  21. more pushback against a soft left than a hard right
  22. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark wow, much empathy
  23. new OkGrl issue up! okgrl.com cute fashion & interactive toys
  24. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro i dm them to myself
  25. …in reply to @ianmcque
    @ianmcque @badmachinery I'm not an artist myself, but I've heard at least one good thing about astropad.com/
  26. …in reply to @KOOPMode
    @KOOPMode i am not at GDC this year, so dog in this fight, but i've heard good things about the GDC shop.
  27. Holly has absolutely and 100% committed to baking and eating the cake that results from this poll. @hollygramazio/826914933665304582
  28. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro I mean, the recent report on how the feds basically stopped investigating far right groups is that, right?
  29. RT @direlog: A unique and beautiful error has occurred. Please deliver your computer to a museum.
  30. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou oh god, but it just gets worse from here on...
  31. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz ach, i just had disappointing mushroom ragu from the student canteen, i'm sad about it
  32. …in reply to @philippawarr
    @philippawarr doing a physical reward KS highlights: videogames are weird because the marginal cost of extra copies shipped is so minimal.
  33. …in reply to @v21
    @philippawarr it's so easy to see extra money on the total as extra money in your pocket... but it's extra sales, instead.
  34. …in reply to @v21
    @philippawarr i'm obv a creator, but: much more impressed by smart/judicious stretch goals (or lack) than by loadsa stuff.
  35. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz i believe in the future power of mushrooms. i believe in the future power of the mushrooms lurking in my fridge.
  36. …in reply to @Shrubbette
    @Shrubbette all my friends! ah!
  37. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn deep cut, unreleased, self-promotional, as-of-yet unrealised, but: Mutazione, by the pond. (see @brandonnn's header image)
  38. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn thinking also of @tigershungry's Playful talk, finding a home in AC:NL when her housing was contingent.
  39. …in reply to @v21
    @Thairyn @tigershungry sitting on a night bus, watching herself watching TV and sitting on a sofa in a cosy home
  40. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn oh! I was wondering where in KRZ would evoke this feeling. But: The Entertainment is wrong, but right.
  41. …in reply to @v21
    @Thairyn it's not a rest but nervous fiddling, shuffling, on stage, watched from the darkness, but also watching the other players.
  42. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow I'd curate that into an upcoming festival of games and play
  43. RT @moreelen: We are jamming in London March 25. Join us? #slowgame eventbrite.co.uk/e/slow-game-jam-tickets-31663399079 #indiedev #gamedev
  44. …in reply to @chenoehart
    @chenoehart wasn't that fire caused by a floodlight overheating on it's own, anyway?
  45. …in reply to @AdmlBaconStraps
    @AdmlBaconStraps sending them underground is exactly the desired goal, for me. Much harder to recruit when you're underground.
  46. Is there handwringing in the alt right about how they've caused a load of the left to radicalise and support the antifa?
  47. Happy to acknowledge my days of running the nets are past. Anyone want my core set + a few data packs? irl people in London, or Screenshake
  48. RT @WeThrowSwitches: GamesAreForEveryone returns! Volume V - Friday 21st April, The Caves, Edinburgh – tickets / info / ❤️ at https://t.co/…
  49. …in reply to @AdmlBaconStraps
    @AdmlBaconStraps i want it to be hard for them to recruit people to their fucked-up cause. i want it to be beyond the pale.
  50. …in reply to @v21
    @AdmlBaconStraps whether i have to hear them or not : *shrug* but i agree with the tweet at the very top of this thread
  51. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke ah, i don't have much beyond it - think @tburrellsaward has called dibs now, too
  52. …in reply to @AdmlBaconStraps
    @AdmlBaconStraps I would genuinely like to read some studies on this! Where's a good place to start?
  53. …in reply to @AdmlBaconStraps
    @AdmlBaconStraps I have a degree in Cognitive Science - I'm still not sure where to start. Anything more specific?
  54. …in reply to @StopGroupthink
    @ContraVest it's possible to buy biker jackets for less than $765.
  55. It also doesn't do any repealing... @estwebber/827493415348756481
  56. RT @webbedspace: *remembers this free font used in Undertale was made for Lesbian Spider Queens Of Mars and is called "Mars Needs Cunniling…
  57. …in reply to @chenoehart
    @chenoehart feels like it might be easier to go from an I to a T than a _ to a T?
  58. …in reply to @chenoehart
    @chenoehart yeah. More down to luck than skill (or planning), I suppose. Finding somewhere to settle down and supported working on one thing
  59. …in reply to @undefined
    @nyarluu the trick is that people never look up
  60. …in reply to @v21
    @nyarluu also, yeah, I struggled with panicked pressing of the wrong buttons for a bit. It got better!
  61. …in reply to @undefined
    @nyarluu I justified it narratively in D2 - she's panicked and escaping, and these dudes expressly mean her harm.
  62. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin you could probably log in and revoke API access, if you're really stressed about it
  63. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie I see their point... I think I end up at "might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb".
  64. …in reply to @v21
    @metasynthie they'll find a reason for those crackdowns anyway, so might as well use some (tactical, minimal) violence where it makes sense.
  65. …in reply to @metasynthie
    @metasynthie yeah, it's true. I'm thinking about how the UW shooting was reported (especially initially) :(
  66. …in reply to @v21
    @metasynthie you might also be interested in this thread @HarryGiles/827552254253289472 (not sure if you follow Aitch)
  67. people on OkCupid you should message using all lowercase vs people you should message using sentence case
  68. …in reply to @v21
    (though let's not forget the all caps people)
  69. …in reply to @undefined
    @animalphase i codeshift like nobodies business, and definitely do it on purpose in situations like that
  70. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike it's great, you're great
  71. I am off to karaoke... which means I need to figure out what to sing.
  72. …in reply to @v21
    All I have in my head is Up The Junction (for some reason), which I'm not gonna do because I know @oh_cripes can do it better.
  73. …in reply to @edjeff
    @edjeff ooh! thanks, I was considering that, it's good to have my intuitions reinforced
  74. There was a bit at the Assemble talk yesterday, where they talked about designing loosely, because buildings will be repurposed.
  75. …in reply to @v21
    I'm thinking how this applies in more than architecture-whatever you design will (hopefully!) be experienced in contexts you didn't envisage
  76. …in reply to @v21
    We went and did some Now Play This curation after that-but I know no matter how much we plan, how it turns out will surprise us (hopefully!)
  77. …in reply to @v21
    This idea, of loose design, of thinking about contexts, but ultimately accepting you can't control them, I think is in a bunch of my work.
  78. …in reply to @v21
    Or maybe it's just a sign I get easily bored, so I only want to work on stuff that can show me new stuff late into the process.
  79. …in reply to @maltron3D
    @maltron3D oh yeah, totally. This isn't a reason not to do the work, to try to understand as much as we can ahead of time.
  80. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry oooh! Thanks
  81. …in reply to @v21
    I guess this is also about strategies for risk mitigation, and relative prioritisation of known and unknown risks.
  82. …in reply to @v21
    I mean, both of the types of design I mentioned have real problems with prototyping and testing stuff in a low cost way.
  83. RT @ranjit: instrument-a-day 3: sharpie ribbon grinder
  84. RT @alienmelon: Finally wrote my "Artist's Statement" about the game. If u haven't already get a (early) copy! All $ goes to ACLU. https:/…
  85. yup! So glad I didn't go down that way @spacetwinks/827656727088742401
  86. …in reply to @aburidashi
    @aburidashi @beyoncefan666 private account, many many predictions, then delete the ones that don't come true
  87. What's more relevant to your life now? The things you did as a teenager
  88. RT @feelings_js: now i feel like a flaming abbey during a bishopric
  89. …in reply to @aburidashi
  90. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly don't swim just after eating!
  91. RT @VK_HM: I wouldn't know where to start explaining this to someone who does not use twitter.
  92. …in reply to @unfortunatalie
    @unfortunatalie watching this with @katbamkapow and every outfit was greeted by one of us saying "SUCH a good dress"
  93. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @unfortunatalie A Series of Dresses That It's Unfortunate I Don't Own.
  94. RT @hollygramazio: This cake is simultaneously too dry, too greasy, too chewy and significantly falling apart, well done all https://t.co/j…
  95. i just ... lost all my tabs. my computer died, Chrome offered to restore them, but the button didn't work
  96. …in reply to @v21
    i think i am glad? i have a lot of tabs open all the time, i never close them. the oldest tabs were probably about 6 months old
  97. …in reply to @v21
    this is not quite as bad as my unsaved, untitled files in Sublime Text, mind - though I cleared those out a while back. oldest were ~2 yrs.
  98. …in reply to @joeyrgb
    @XZtendo i checked! no dice
  99. anyway, the important news i opened my computer to tweet: i ate some chips & cheese on the night bus home. that made me very happy.
  100. …in reply to @v21
    probably the #1 thing i miss about not living in Edinburgh anymore. here's a song: throughthenight.bandcamp.com/track/chips-and-cheese
  101. …in reply to @Aphearse
    @Aphearse lost! all these tabs are lost, like tears in the rain
  102. How does this (does this?) interact with EU safe harbour stuff? @kennwhite/828099245408473088
  103. …in reply to @sciencevsmagic
    @sciencevsmagic @doougle is this like "the City of London"?
  104. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow welcome back, kb
  105. [thread] it feels weird that the culture of these fuckers is my native one @morganmpage/827725357704953856
  106. remember when we were all mad that twitter had introduced threading?
  107. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro people hate change, and it made the timeline not go strictly reverse-chronological.
  108. RT @womensart1: Naoko Ito, Ubiquitous, 2009 #womensart
  109. bot of the day: @evanescence_exe a karaoke bot, the simple joys of duetting with a machine (wake me up)
  110. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz I read this as a plums in the icebox spinoff
  111. …in reply to @edclef
  112. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin that's fair! i didn't mean to destroy the conversation, though it seems like i might've :/
  113. …in reply to @v21
    @edclef @oh_cripes @hannahnicklin @moreelen but more seriously- i've wanted to do more small things in this space, and a jam carves time out
  114. …in reply to @v21
    @edclef @oh_cripes @hannahnicklin @moreelen i find the mental overhead of A Project a big drain, so now seek out timeboxed ways to work.
  115. RT @fasterthanlime: making fun of C++ is the "what's up with airplane food" of programming twitter
  116. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz i like reading books on the train
  117. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn sure thing
  118. really like @pippinbarr's new project v r 3 pippinbarr.com/tag/v-r-3/ been thinking down similar (but easier) lines for the visual essay jam
  119. @notquitereal a link for you, once you're finished with your east anglian intrigues @pomeranian99/828621351166541824
  120. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz alas, i have Now Play This stuff to do instead
  121. RT @howitsmadeup: Then the hot dogs slide off the conveyor into metal containers. The average hen lays about 300 eggs a year.
  122. …in reply to @godtributes
  123. …in reply to @v21
    (yes, there's a ping pong table downstairs)
  124. …in reply to @pippinbarr
    @pippinbarr well, the jam is here, if you hadn't seen! itch.io/jam/visual-essay-jam i'll wait until i either do the thing or don't til i tell you
  125. RT @gommatt: A ramen restaurant we ate at. I took photos of the storefront but wanted to do a sketch while I still remember the interior la…
  126. I believe it's faintly immoral for a fictional being to simulate friendship unless it's: - purely for entertainment - not upselling you
  127. 🐙
  128. hello! i'll be at screenshake this weekend. i am looking forward to it!
  129. …in reply to @SilverSober
  130. …in reply to @hownottodraw
  131. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal i am imagining reading this story over some post-rock, a la A Whaling Tale youtube.com/watch?v=GUOlfnnDKs0
  132. …in reply to @gothdome
    @jimdeeer hope you listened to youtube.com/watch?v=qkSruKt6m4Q while drawin'
  133. kickstarter to buy out @sokpopco and put them to work building a series of games for small children
  134. …in reply to @chrisoshea
    @chrisoshea @sokpopco ah, i'm an idiot. i made a new tweet
  135. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @phoenixperry well of course i'm gonna see it! i love shaking my bum around.
  136. RT @TomMcTague: Matt Hancock stopped by a colleague: "You better have a good reason for those (bright red) socks." Hancock: "I'm the cultur…
  137. RT @dosnostalgic: A 1995 mockup of Race 'n Chase, a project that would become Grand Theft Auto
  138. …in reply to @Gib
    @Gib ruin
  139. …in reply to @youngvulgarian
    @youngvulgarian "no deal is better than a bad deal"
  140. RT @KimmyGrey: "Major things are wind, evil, a good fighting horse, prepositions, inexhaustible love, the way people choose their kings."…
  141. …in reply to @steggy_
    @steggy_ @HonestWilliam @jasonimms "it's not just pebbles and raisins" is a legitimately great turn of phrase
  142. RT @robertskmiles: Ever wondered why <phenomenon>? It's because of <scientific name for phenomenon>
  143. …in reply to @chrisamaphone
    @chrisamaphone @aparrish there are other fronts to attack those people (that Trump is ineffective, chaotic, will turn on them)
  144. …in reply to @v21
    @chrisamaphone @aparrish the most important thing, though, is to make that viewpoint marginal, unpopular and suspicious.
  145. RT @TriciaLockwood: this passage from elif batuman's "the idiot" feels especially relevant at the moment. everyone thinks they are dumbo ht…
  146. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike ach, i am really sorry to hear this
  147. RT @thepunningman: Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you
  148. RT @Sarienn: And finally some surprising data on Europe from @deantak at @CasualConnect #gamedev #indiedev
  149. a photo of me from a new year party (thx @kitrichardsonuk)
  150. i enjoyed this paragraph of this article about videogames glixel.com/news/how-an-oscar-winning-film-studio-plans-to-invade-games-w465320
  151. RT @annekatran: Made another mini-game! Play Kero Catch in-browser at annekatran.itch.io/kero-catch 🐸
  152. an excerpt from the cartography of known spaces by loren schmidt what resembles the grave but isn't by anne boyer
  153. …in reply to @tchoi8
    @tchoi8 inserting line breaks
  154. …in reply to @undefined
    @AOsher my notifications are fine. don't be a slave to anything that wants to ping you a thing
  155. RT @HaggardHawks: A PHOENICLE is a little phoenix.
  156. RT @katbamkapow: good morning (still) i'm working on a project and need recommendations for erotic poetry, please
  157. RT @15kPhrases: We have endeavored to serve the needs of your organization
  158. is it hungarian notation if the variable name is the same as the type?
  159. …in reply to @undefined
    @deathmtn public Aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa = new Aaaaaaaaa();
  160. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke mailonline seems to be doing okay :<
  161. RT @iledanahe: Me on Valentine's Day....
  162. …in reply to @undefined
    @ms45 i do not know if that would be a problem in practice
  163. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ i agree it isn't really widening access to game-dev, but it does provide some nice scaffolding for mid-stage devs
  164. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ residencies have big ol' structural problems, agreed, but they do have benefits, & Stugan isn't on the egregious end
  165. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ (tho the residency model isn't super prevalent in games like it is in other arts spheres)
  166. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ & yeah - big elephant in the room about race/class in indie dev circles. i should Actually Finish the thing i was writing on it
  167. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ idk - programmes like Code Liberation, Pixelles, Comics vs Games etc are pretty highly valued?
  168. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ but also it isn't (it shouldn't be) zero sum. I feel uneasy about the Get People Making Games push if there's no likelihood of $$$
  169. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ Toronto based, which might be why? The Yawhg came out of CxG - but it's more about bridge-building with comics than from-scratch
  170. …in reply to @ka_bradley
    @ka_bradley I want to respond with all four of these options simultaneously
  171. are you more
  172. …in reply to @v21
    was gonna say something about how this oughta be equal, if we could only see the world clearly. but then i remembered the Friendship Paradox
  173. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern i mean, same
  174. i am very excited @katbamkapow is making bots now. look at the state of this thing: @sexwithflowers
  175. RT @sexwithflowers: crushed raspberries in your hands, curling and delicate.
  176. RT @sexwithflowers: when she tastes you, you become black night, you are washed by sun.
  177. RT @sexwithflowers: 'i needed to be the half-formed summer inside you,' they say. you let them, and they are shuddering.
  178. i am happy about every design decision i was unsure about, launched into the world, have seen used, and have gotten no negative feedback on
  179. RT @partytimeHXLNT: アップルタウン物語 🍎
  180. the pointless sadness of someone no longer crushing on you. even if you never had a crush on them.
  181. the first thing the baby did wrong... jessamyn.com/barth/baby.html
  182. …in reply to @v21
    just discovered Donald Barthelme and i'm really digging him
  183. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi oh, god, yes
  184. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe i believe in people having crushes on you
  185. RT @v21: bot making is a job for poets, not programmers
  186. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow i'm glad that arrow found it's mark
  187. i keep changing and changing the code around, but i don't really understand it properly
  188. …in reply to @v21
    fuck it, close enough
  189. …in reply to @legobutts
  190. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo i've been thinking about the mid-career thing. it feels like that's a place that's most lacking, in terms of cultural/non-commercial-
  191. …in reply to @v21
    @Seemo -game dev. otherwise, people make interesting projects, move stuff forward - and then quit or go Industry & stop pushing as much
  192. …in reply to @v21
    @Seemo the main exceptions, people making interesting experimental stuff w years of experience are in academia, supposed by spouses, or both
  193. …in reply to @v21
    @Seemo idk if Stugan is actually the best solution for this, mind... but it takes an ecosystem
  194. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo yah, you might be right (mid-career folks definitely do have more resources if going down a commercial route)
  195. RT @katierosepipkin: new book is done 👆📖
  196. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @ADAMATOMIC @MaxTemkin @jwaaaap @sethboyer i wanna eat chicken nuggets in the bath now. or olives.
  197. RT @BasWeijenberg: #gamedev #indiedev #pixelart
  198. this game is a game i frequently return to, just to despair at how good the UI is @Chromacool/829035969139634176
  199. "you are a young bloom, and you know it" (outtake from @sexwithflowers)
  200. the thing where you have a good idea, but you invest more in it than it really deserves
  201. who knew that community manager would be the most important job of the last decade of so?
  202. …in reply to @manygradients
    .@manygradients well, _I_ can see the gradient, don't know about you
  203. my Steam has installed (that might be of interest) Sunless Sea, Devil Daggers, Botanicula. not-Steam: luminous corridor, Islands
  204. …in reply to @undefined
    @increpare I have also really been enjoying Dandy Dungeon & Yankai's Triangles (both on Android)
  205. …in reply to @undefined
    @increpare hah, fair. i don't know! but the controls are tap only, so it's probably fine, even if so.
  206. you can never tell what's round the next corner. in my case, it was geese.
  207. …in reply to @v21
  208. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw ah, shit. Worth checking cheap flights?
  209. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw ah, fair enough. Good luck!
  210. the feeling of writing to an MP whose constituency you didn't live in last election, and you likely won't next election
  211. …in reply to @v21
    closer than i expected?
  212. …in reply to @kahodesu
    @kahodesu you can just tell me, and I'll imagine you voted.
  213. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu that's nice!
  214. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz I will. Just thinking about that structural partial disenfranchisement feeling...
  215. RT @dkanaga: "Oiκοςpiel Book I" for PC & MAC will be released FEBRUARY 16 oikospiel.com
  216. this looks like the thing i will use in future for presskits! gitlab.com/necrosoft/differently
  217. i would like to buy a hardcopy of this book davidkanaga.com/oik_os/oik-libretto.pdf
  218. RT @emshort: We have to, we have to we have to we HAVE TO pick apart the idea that Virtue equals Putting In Hours At Job
  220. waiting for the train that will take me to the other train to the train that goes under the sea to the final train that goes to Antwerp!
  221. …in reply to @v21
    (it's cold)
  222. …in reply to @emshort
    @emshort this isn't radical enough, I think (it might be a useful intermediate step)
  223. …in reply to @v21
    @emshort some of this comes from thinking about self-care, which is a similar reframing of living well as valuable work.
  224. …in reply to @v21
    i woke up and i didn't know what country i was in til i saw my phone was on F-Bouygues Telecom
  225. …in reply to @jon_NoCode
    @jon_NoCode @studioanisa UGUI, definitely. I also use TextMeshPro, though.
  226. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal how long, you reckon, til you badmouth it again?
  227. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew happy birthday, Jordan
  228. …in reply to @algcifaldi
    @amandaglosson now i'm wondering if i really could write SVG by hand. maybe? other than remembering namespaces...
  229. …in reply to @algcifaldi
    @amandaglosson i guess i meant without reference to other bits of SVG... or MDN. yeah, i totally could.
  230. …in reply to @algcifaldi
    @amandaglosson so actually, one funny thing - trying to rasterize some @softlandscapes at high-res... and Illustrator totally choked on 'em.
  231. …in reply to @v21
    @amandaglosson @softlandscapes so i can write SVG by hand, but the machines don't like it...
  232. i am doing a series of tasks i have been putting off! then i will go hang out at the Screenshake opening party! that's what i'm doing!
  233. RT @sexwithflowers: between your hands is a slender violet, wanting.
  234. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow liking and subscribing
  235. i'd rather be
  236. …in reply to @undefined
    @_cheesybeaver nah, it's only a bit worse than London. I was (perhaps) over packing a bag for today.
  237. screenshake has an install of Hidden Folks where the screen is far away and you have to look at it through binoculars
  238. …in reply to @v21
    i'm filled with rage about how good this is
  239. …in reply to @v21
    the sokpop expo is generally v good - hanging cloth and animal sounds percolating through, games surprising you as you peek round corners
  240. …in reply to @v21
    also this game is a delight
  241. …in reply to @v21
    the main expo
  242. twitter is trying to kill me with it's inability to attach multiple images in a reply in the native Android client
  243. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw up in the sokpop bit!
  244. …in reply to @v21
    Catacombs of Solaris
  245. RT @v21: i'd rather be
  246. does anyone know a good introduction to analogue map-making?
  247. RT @AranKoning: proud of the expo we built for #screenshake17 !!
  248. RT @khalkeus3d: sending @moon_rise_bot to art class
  249. ok ok, so: i discovered that actually i met @underskinnyhrt 2 years ago, when i ran a Twine workshop at Screenshake
  250. …in reply to @v21
    (i was hoping to meet her this Screenshake, as i'd heard a lot of rad things about the stuff she's making from Edinburgh pals)
  251. …in reply to @v21
    and this year it was her running a Twine workshop! i take all the credit. (i can't take any credit)
  252. …in reply to @underskinnyhrt
    @underskinnyhrt hahaha! ah, and it's funny how things cycle again, as then Alice and Cara moved up to Edinburgh...
  253. @bfod think you'll dig this: @akaPrash/830923022194397185
  254. Your People Shall Build You a Great Empire if You Rule Them Wisely
  255. …in reply to @v21
    (from gog.com/game/emperor_rise_of_the_middle_kingdom which I guess I should sort out a Windows VM so I can play...)
  256. …in reply to @v21
    I played a lot of Caesar III as a kid, calmingly maintaining equilibrium as I built up middle-class suburbs (of Londinium)
  257. RT @rabihalameddine: Pushkin sketched out characters in rough drafts, alongside their descriptions Page from draft for the second canto of…
  258. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin trains are so great
  259. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @drinkrelaxplay i have to do now play this stuffffff :<
  260. RT @adrielbeaver: Hey, any indies looking for a flatmate in Paris? I need to move out soon-ish. Please RT 💙
  261. RT @Kaleidopix: rt update: ɹʇ nbqɐʇǝ: @ZepCap @v21
  262. RT @floofyscorp: *heavy breathing* I love alexander mcqueen with my entire life
  263. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu ahh, i'm cheap and buy plastic glasses from cheapo online places
  264. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @KommanderKlobb at least your trouser-crotch integrity is intact
  265. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @patrickashe nah, no, mine is intact too! everyone squatted with aplomb
  266. …in reply to @Shrubbette
    @Shrubbette @unity3d i thought that was a vsync thing - ie, done all the rendering we can now, we need to wait for the display to catch up
  267. …in reply to @v21
    @Shrubbette @unity3d but that doesn't make sense with 185ms... :S
  268. …in reply to @Shrubbette
    @Shrubbette @unity3d i mean, even without vsync there's still a maximum refresh rate you can pump stuff out at... but that is > 15 fps
  269. …in reply to @molleindustria
    @molleindustria @HarryGiles oh heck yeah, you two collaborating makes so much sense
  270. RT @molleindustria: 🏴NEW PROJECT🏴 Casual Games for Protesters: games for marches, rallies, & occupations. In collab. with @HarryGiles http…
  271. RT @hollygramazio: Today I'm enjoying "Looking At Something" by Rafaël Rozendaal, like a tiny springtime for your browser https://t.co/9yfX…
  272. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew red flowers is best!
  273. RT @CharlieMadelon: Unfolding a flower #gamedev #indiegame #unity3d
  274. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew i mean, to be fair, they're all great dresses, you're winning either way
  275. just checked, and there's 3791 bots running on CBDQ right now
  276. …in reply to @NotInventedHere
    @NotInventedHere there's 9898 connected
  277. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin not too painful, no... i probably should at some point. though cautious about making that public.
  278. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin yeah - though i'm okay taking implicit permission where people have been open about CBDQ. anyway!
  279. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin yeah - once or twice actively malicious, more often kids fucking about and using slurs or saying vile shit about public figures
  280. …in reply to @v21
    @DavidLublin some tricky cases - eg a bot that says "<x> is sooo gay", and eventually puzzling out that the bot's author was <x> themselves
  281. …in reply to @jennschiffer
    @jennschiffer @DavidLublin oh yes, i remember this, this is a good post!
  282. …in reply to @DavidLublin
    @DavidLublin yeah - when it started i got emails for every change people made (still do). but i've got lazy and stopped checking :/
  283. …in reply to @v21
    @DavidLublin but in part that's because the rate of abuse is surprisingly low. but yeah - very glad i thought about this before launching
  284. …in reply to @ragekit
    @ragekit it's still just running on my normal VPS that hosts my site and that. it's designed to be pretty low-overhead to run!
  285. …in reply to @v21
    @ragekit the only bit that takes much oomph is SVG rendering, and there's not too many bots doing that.
  286. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb been thinking i might start a patreon for it, actually...
  287. this is a neat way to fix this problem! @giacomopc/830952594755424256
  288. …in reply to @legobutts
    @legobutts yeah - i think most successful teams (that don't have a full-time producer) end up with this via informal networks of producers
  289. …in reply to @v21
    @legobutts but making that available to more teams, and on the other side getting more work to more people - that sounds valuable
  290. …in reply to @v21
    @legobutts have definitely found getting up to speed with a producer can create a lot of value, even if you can't stay with them.
  291. RT @legobutts: If you’re a year out from launch, but nervous to talk about it bc you’re not sure how to pitch it, you’re prob not a year ou…
  292. …in reply to @ragekit
    @ragekit yeah, normal linode thingy (i should move to DO sometime)
  293. …in reply to @legobutts
    @legobutts i think maybe a big part has got to be more blog posts/talks modelling good practice from teams?
  294. …in reply to @v21
    @legobutts like... when fresh faced indies get together to start a team, what do they think of as normal to be in that team?
  295. …in reply to @v21
    @legobutts (& then it's finding people, which mainly gets tricky because network effects give some people too much work and some not enough)
  296. RT @sashageffen: something quick on charli xcx decorating her kimmel stage with a blacked out a.g. cook mtv.com/news/2982673/charli-xcx-kimmel/
  297. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn I just read that entire first chapter on my phone. Fuck. This is real good.
  298. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver ah, yes, I saw a gif of it going round a few days ago. Interestingly, I don't think it's CBDQ
  299. RT @metasynthie: I write lines like this while trying to decide if I need a new backpack. I blame either Keita Takahashi, or Margery Willia…
  300. RT @Thairyn: @v21 novelsjapan.wordpress.com/chapter-1-maniac-on-its-way/ you are responsible for this stage of my life
  301. …in reply to @v21
    @Thairyn I love the chatty translator, as well
  302. RT @sam_lavigne: Pleased to announce the project categories for this year's @stupidhackathon
  303. …in reply to @bozulbang
    @LichLike I'm wearing jeggings right now
  304. RT @MetaphorMagnet: So the eel pushed the crooked serpent to perform strange tricks. That is how the crooked serpent became a misfit. #Moun…
  305. RT @MetaphorMagnet: "I fear I'm becoming a mountebank," hissed a crooked serpent. "People say I lack scruples too," oozed an eel, "Let's sh…
  306. I reconnected with an old friend on Facebook, and she knows so much more about how to be expressive in Messenger than me.
  307. …in reply to @v21
    Stickers? Emotes? She made the window snow at one point. I feel like an 30something from tech trying to use snapchat.
  308. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo they'll only slow down if you decide they should, and make that a priority.
  309. …in reply to @v21
    @joonturbo (💜)
  310. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo I know, and I know that feeling. Just don't put off important things.
  311. RT @JohnRentoul: From Brian Christian, The Most Human Human: "uh" and "um" are not mistakes but two distinct words
  312. I miss the South London accent I never really had.
  313. …in reply to @tomhoward87
    @tomhoward87 it's more like "saaf", maybe?
  314. I hate practicing talks so much. It gives me a surge of fear and shame without any performance energy to cancel it out. Ugh.
  315. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb investment pitch in Birmingham for work
  316. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow thanks!
  317. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb yeah, I would've yelled about it more if so
  318. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin the talk is good (and getting better). I just feel exposed in a way I don't when actually performing.
  319. weird to have studied AI just before a big AI boom
  320. really impressed by @ImmersiveRehab - startup using VR to make physio less awful
  321. …in reply to @phoenixperry
    @phoenixperry haha. i took the opposite side away from that conversation, and have been talking to people about an indie hub
  322. …in reply to @v21
    @phoenixperry very interesting in talking more, though!
  323. RT @92YPoetry: "What kind of beast would turn its life into words? What atonement is this all about?" - Adrienne Rich
  324. this is a bullshit tweet, i've used this program and it was intuitive and powerful @cowbs/516045565847535616
  325. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @phoenixperry i would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this! and pretty excited to hear yr plans.
  326. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly O'Brien! huh. yeah, okay, i can see that, carry on.
  327. …in reply to @mike_robbo
    @mike_robbo @KommanderKlobb tbh, i'm on OSX and don't rename files very often, so I've no real dog in this fight.
  328. trains are so great
  329. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore i am so sad that tweet has 7k RTs
  330. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @spacetreasured @MonsieurEureka oh oh oh: so, it has three men, and you can drag their heads to stretch the necks out.
  331. …in reply to @v21
    @KommanderKlobb @spacetreasured @MonsieurEureka and when you let go it slowly unwinds and the head returns to where it started.
  332. …in reply to @ltwukwuk
    @TheDonquixotic @MetzoPaino right, but my experience of this program was: i wanted to do a task, i downloaded this program, ran it...
  333. …in reply to @v21
    @TheDonquixotic @MetzoPaino had a brief moment of : whoa. then immediately spotted the way to do the quite specific task i needed to do...
  334. …in reply to @v21
    @TheDonquixotic @MetzoPaino set it, immediately saw feedback that allowed me to adjust it slightly, and had no fear when i pressed run
  335. …in reply to @v21
    @TheDonquixotic @MetzoPaino it left an impression on me because of the contrast between that moment of whoa & being done so quick.
  336. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  337. …in reply to @v21
  338. RT @unicode_garden: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌹 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌺🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻…
  339. with the way Twitter shows images as solid colours until they fully load, @everycolorbot keeps catching me out @everycolorbot/831571455833993216
  340. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @HiddenFolks I bet it made a really good snuffly sound, too
  341. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @HiddenFolks I bet you made a really good snuffly sound, too
  342. thinking about things i probably oughtta do... then clicking next chapter on this fan-translated japanese light novel
  343. …in reply to @v21
    it's about a boy who dies and is reincarnated as a vending machine in a generic RPG
  344. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC novelupdates.com/series/i-reincarnated-into-a-vending-machine/ it's thought through the situation pretty carefully!
  345. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @resiak Santa Claus's homepage
  346. …in reply to @WhosTheSuit
    @FinalBullet i voted for "get trained in business", but tbh i'm not sure you need much training.
  347. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo @mrch4d @dinosaurrparty well, it does mean someone points out the issue & makes it a problem before you announce...
  348. …in reply to @WhosTheSuit
    @FinalBullet working at a startup & spending time with other startups right now - (from my internet knowledge of you) you could def do this.
  349. new CBDQ landscape bot (i love the name) @_OutToSea_/831760917717274624
  350. …in reply to @acgodliman
    @acgodliman this is also my experience
  351. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate shit, i should respond to that interview, too
  352. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew it's me, that's where you'll find me, in a tab called George
  353. …in reply to @v21
    @jawsew in ASDA
  354. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark @tinyspires @amandaglosson oh my goodness, i would love that. if you ever want a hand, just let me know!
  355. …in reply to @spacetreasured
    @spacetreasured sounds like a good way to come back with a laptop covered in good stickers
  356. …in reply to @spacetreasured
    @spacetreasured that's... that's okay. don't let people bully you!
  357. we return! Mild Rumpus is back this year at GDC! this time we are a pile of fruit (also a bunch of good videogames) ((geddit, *bunch*))
  358. …in reply to @v21
    Marie made a trailer for it vimeo.com/204085742
  359. …in reply to @Radstronomical
    @Radstronomical I am also not there :(
  360. …in reply to @dreamfeelx
    @dreamfeelx @thecatamites i am very happy about this, too
  361. thinking about game design surrounded by a bunch of people who are doing UX for functional things is weird
  362. …in reply to @v21
    like, "i made it easier to care that this fictional concept is under threat, and made the meaning of this imaginary number clearer"
  363. …in reply to @v21
    i'm not doing down the importance of games here - but design is weirder when you have to make up the problem as well as the solution
  364. tangential to merritt's point, but this is not a reason not to look around at other communities and learn from their histories. but: thread @merrittk/831954632180166656
  365. …in reply to @v21
    i have found myself more and more interested in history these days. seeing the same situations repeat on a just long enough cycle...
  366. …in reply to @v21
    the only way to escape and improve is to look back and make new mistakes. but games chews people up too fast for this to be common. ah well.
  367. RT @AnnaLangside: Tried to declutter kids' rooms. Backfired spectacularly, and a referendum has been called.
  368. RT @retroremakes: More games are getting some money when only a few years ago they would get no money. I say this pretty often and it's def…
  369. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw i rarely actually text, and also don't message people enough
  370. RT @yumisakugawa: ⚡️ The Past No Longer Serves You ⚡️
  371. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
  372. …in reply to @GayWeebDisaster
    @Retawes @laurclinn aaaand the tech industry.
  373. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle @SK_BARSK ahhh! And with a proper custom controller
  374. RT @nordiclarp: Moment-based Story Design #Larp #NordicLarp #KP17 #Knutepunkt nordiclarp.org/2017/02/15/moment-based-story-design/
  375. …in reply to @SK_Louie
    @SK_Louie @doougle you're a god among men, louie
  376. The pleasure of a good own, even if it's directed at you.
  377. I just linked two things in the same tweet and was able to disable the tweet card eating one of them! Exciting boring Twitter feature news.
  378. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal right??!
  379. …in reply to @polclarissou
    @polclarissou there was a little x and I pressed it! I haven't seen it before! (this is android native client)
  380. I want a TV series which feels like a single thread in larger cloth. Where characters have friends with lives you never find out about.
  381. …in reply to @v21
    Scott Pilgrim did this really well (though that was partly about Scott's obliviousness to his friends' lives)
  382. if sitting is so bad for you, why does it feel so good?
  383. …in reply to @v21
    yesterday i went in with fresh eyes. i drew some new diagrams, i changed my data structures, i fixed it up & it works properly now.
  384. …in reply to @gothdome
    @jimdeeer it's okay, they're just telling you why you have to use Quaternions rather than Vector3s for representing rotations
  385. designing keyboard autocorrect suggestions to make better poetry when repeatedly asking for the next word
  386. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow can the next world have better poetry, please?
  387. …in reply to @v21
    @katbamkapow i don't think i'm really asking for this. the point of poetry is in the struggle to make it?
  388. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow if you haven't read this piece, you might enjoy it harrygiles.org/2015/09/16/what-can-poets-do-about-robots/
  389. the feeling of a friend turning from a person you see in reality, share space with and make tea for, to voice & text on the screen
  390. earlier today I learned about types of fun Type 1: fun while you're doing it Type 2: awful while you're doing it, only fun in retrospect
  391. …in reply to @v21
    this is a taxonomy from people who enjoy being up mountains in the cold
  392. …in reply to @v21
    there's also "Type 3 fun". this is for things which were terrifying and awful and, even afterwards, were a stupid idea.
  393. this is fascinating: indiegogo.com/projects/gpd-pocket-7-0-umpc-laptop-ubuntu-or-win-10-os-laptop--2#/ GPD doing a Indiegogo for a tiny tiny laptop.
  394. …in reply to @v21
    (GPD are a Shenzen company who made a dedicated handheld for retro games funstockretro.co.uk/gpd-xd-retro-gaming-gamepad. also one that ran windows...)
  395. do i know anyone in Austin with any leads on accommodation for my colleague @tburrellsaward during SXSW? cc @brandonnn @partytimeHXLNT
  396. …in reply to @elirainsberry
    @LizRainsberry & you should!
  397. RT @dkanaga: "Oiκοςpiel Book I" for PC & MAC AVAILABLE NOW oikospiel.com 🐶🐒💐🌿💰
  398. this game is the most. v much recommended, please do play. @dkanaga/832295384869269504
  399. RT @paul_callaghan: Including a games position this year! @BritishArts/832288509281054724
  400. just set up my Electric Objects and winkling out favourites & friends on there
  401. …in reply to @v21
    watching moth generator slowly draw itself on there. @katierosepipkin, did you ever set up mirror lake for it?
  402. bike grease and climbing chalk
  403. …in reply to @v21
    (if my phone had battery i would just post it as a picture)
  404. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp as i learned last weekend, i'm not a natural squatter
  405. …in reply to @tanyaxshort
    @tanyaxshort i started at a studio that was just starting (we were the first 3 employees)
  406. …in reply to @v21
    @tanyaxshort but then, it would have to be a real good role for me to be interested in working for a large studio
  407. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp yes, i knew this when i was writing my tweet, but i sent it anyway
  408. …in reply to @v21
    @smestorp mind you: as a kid i had to sit cross-legged a lot and it was still uncomfortable
  409. …in reply to @smestorp
    @smestorp i mean, also i went climbing tonight and it was great, more bodily movement will hopefully be in my future
  410. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful oh, that hair really suits you!
  411. RT @mcclure111: Remember: Bernie wasn't a Democrat. 2016 primary was a vote of no confidence on the Democratic Party itself, and it only ba…
  412. RT @plentyofalcoves: Online is just a bunch of parasocial meme hell gibberish
  413. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow you're dresses Kat now, freed from constrictive bifurcated clothing.
  414. …in reply to @legobutts
    @legobutts this is such a perfect photo
  415. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw i have so much love for open barbers
  416. …in reply to @v21
    @hownottodraw which reminds me i should book another haircut there... i always wait til i already need a cut, and then the wait is so long..
  417. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw ahh <3 only been there once, but I had Greygory
  418. a cautionary and prescient tale warning us of the dangers of the Deep State bbc.co.uk/comedy/yesminister/
  419. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio which side is the left hand side?
  420. …in reply to @v21
    the best thing about this one is that it was posted 59mins ago
  421. …in reply to @KevinBuist
    @KevinBuist just lucky i guess
  422. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz @hollygramazio or you'll get a sore neck
  423. …in reply to @youngvulgarian
    @youngvulgarian it's nice! it's still February, but earlier I cycled *without gloves on*.
  424. It's Spring Again! And I Can Cycle Without Gloves
  425. …in reply to @v21
    and it's not even April: @v21/720228228602925056
  426. …in reply to @studioanisa
    @studioanisa okay okay, wait, I have an answer: Cuckoo Curling
  427. when i was 15, i was seeing a French girl. she called Miffy "prisou" because she looks like a electrical plug.
  428. RT @katierosepipkin: just another small reminder that OIK OS is the bravest, most beautiful game i have played in years and it is out now h…
  429. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN a bridge???
  430. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @haikus_by_KN i enjoy that there are two answers which are "fork" (also @edclef's)
  431. RT @Horse_ebooks: The real goal of any talk or speech
  432. …in reply to @v21
    the best thing about this one is that there is no assonance between "horse" and "hour"
  433. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
  434. …in reply to @vectorpark
    @vectorpark @haikus_by_KN if you click the link you can see that it's just painted on! very patient horse, that
  435. …in reply to @v21
    i hurt in new and unusual places today :D
  436. …in reply to @puppetmotel
  437. …in reply to @puppetmotel
    @puppetmotel i am p sure he's also Donkey Kong. who knew?!
  438. the joke of manipulating numbers via entirely text-based generation still hasn't got old (i'm doing Tracery SVG stuff again)
  439. …in reply to @v21
    cx=\"#maybeneg##0-2#.#digit##digit#\" (cx is set to a random number between -2.99 and 2.99)
  440. RT @Kosmogrrrl: Increasingly impressed with anyone who manages to write near-future SF under these conditions
  441. …in reply to @tullyhansen
    @tullyhansen all of those are defined manually
  442. …in reply to @Miss_Sticks
    @Miss_Sticks I mean, the thing is... it's not that hard to imagine.
  443. …in reply to @v21
    @Miss_Sticks oh, you just reminded me... dinner with an ex, her friend is talking about work, proud of his social media work...
  444. …in reply to @v21
    @Miss_Sticks got it up to a thousand followers. then she pokes me, asks me how innocently how many followers I've got.
  445. …in reply to @Miss_Sticks
    @Miss_Sticks imagine if my entire career in bot making had been dedicated to selling aggregate and aggregate related products.
  446. …in reply to @tomscott
  447. …in reply to @plentyofalcoves
    @plentyofalcoves it's fine, we hate liberals now, we're leftists, it's different
  448. …in reply to @Radstronomical
    @Radstronomical @hentaiphd I am interested in this!
  449. …in reply to @Radstronomical
    @Radstronomical @hentaiphd oh god, product selection paralysis is my life
  450. Note to self: this seems exciting? Look into this? @robinsloan/832710183432237056
  451. …in reply to @OneEmojiReply
    @martoborto should be able to just put it in natively!
  452. …in reply to @OneEmojiReply
    @martoborto huh, weird. I wonder if the answer in Windows is just C&P from emojipedia?
  453. RT @8fldh: Who's your favorite contemporary artist no one knows about here's mine: nakadaikumi.tumblr.com/
  454. RT @8fldh: @8fldh
  455. RT @8fldh: my other fave: chap1579.tumblr.com/
  456. RT @sugarspice: Someone: What's it like being a Toy Designer? Me: We just hug toys all day.
  457. …in reply to @chrisamaphone
    @chrisamaphone other than it being truncated at 2 decimal points, I think that one is pretty smooth? Not all of them are though, hah.
  458. emotional-labor.email/ i keep thinking about this project
  459. …in reply to @v21
    imagine how much worse the strange eerie isolation of the Internet we all fight against can get when even friendly words are automated
  460. …in reply to @v21
    i mean, i make & enable bots. but they're okay, they surface their fakeness. i'm not interested in making convincing fake people.
  461. …in reply to @v21
  462. …in reply to @v21
    and all of this, of course, is in the context of thinking about the new age of hikikomori fascists medium.com/@DaleBeran/4chan-the-skeleton-key-to-the-rise-of-trump-624e7cb798cb#.4u24taikd
  463. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @lexicobob you were missed!
  464. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew freelancer problems :<
  465. …in reply to @undefined
    @_cheesybeaver okay, so: i do believe that within a relationship, you can have implicit consent for things (even including sex!)
  466. …in reply to @v21
    @_cheesybeaver however, this is still negotiated consent, can be withdrawn at any time, and there's no reason for it be binary
  467. …in reply to @v21
    @_cheesybeaver & if there's reasonable amounts of communication between people, this hopefully shouldn't be an issue
  468. RT @JoachimHolmer: Know your surface vectors!
  469. RT @EarthRoverBot: moved 5 meters bearing 138° (2f38)
  470. The unselfconscious honesty that drives people to press "like" on a thing they like, even if no-one else will care about the liking.
  471. …in reply to @undefined
    @jon_ellis @Jewbacchus I liked it as a history of a slice of culture I have spent a long time proximate to.
  472. …in reply to @v21
    @jon_ellis @Jewbacchus and which is now relevant and politically influential. I also don't take it as a sole or primary cause of Trump.
  473. …in reply to @SpindleyQ
    @SpindleyQ oh, it totally is, it's a functional design fiction
  474. …in reply to @v21
    @SpindleyQ but it's coming - this thread was sparked by seeing someone talk about the little autoreponses Gmail gives you now.
  475. …in reply to @SpindleyQ
    @SpindleyQ yeah - to be clear, i think this is a super cool project, but what artists do knowingly, startups do earnestly & naively
  476. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn whoooo have a good time make some good "flatties"
  477. RT @zoewi: The Acroyoga demo during @PerfectPlum's talk was amazing #screenshake17
  478. …in reply to @Nifflas
    @Nifflas @increpare oh, yeah, for sure in that case - just "know it" repeatedly, until it converges
  479. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver 🍪
  480. RT @cosaingalway: Vertical desire line: climbing a 2-metre wall avoids the 2 kilometre detour otherwise needed to access a cul-de-sac estat…
  481. Some nice words about Beasts and Screenshake here : grifdail.tumblr.com/post/157372421976/screenshake17
  482. …in reply to @joonturbo
    @joonturbo depends how fast, where it comes, what kind of game it is, and how often you see it
  483. tiny excited dog on the tube opposite me
  484. …in reply to @v21
    jumping down, shaking, wagging tail, being picked up, jumping down, looking around, scratching, getting scritches from me, licking my hand
  485. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal you'd love the dog, too
  486. RT @kcimc: automatically detect who looks the most and the least like everyone else in a photo github.com/kylemcdonald/ml-examples/blob/master/workshop/faces/Face%20Detection%2C%20Tracking%2C%20and%20Recognition.ipynb https://t.co/qPfTXpO…
  487. …in reply to @sophmallinson
    @sophiemallins how is cucumber and baked beans together? good? it's never occurred to me before
  488. …in reply to @jennschiffer
    @jennschiffer oh hey, i'm putting a thing on Electric Objects and I saw your pixel stuff on there, and I just wanted to say: I like 'em!
  489. it did not work now it does work i don't know why but i'm going to assume that it will continue to work good yes great
  490. RT @GrayInGlasgow: School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. 1: Everyone. 2: UK citizens. 3: UK natives. By Maria Wolters. https:/…
  491. LRT: I did my degree in Edinburgh in the Informatics department. I am completely unsurprised by these pics. It's an international field.
  492. bot of the day: leanstooneside.tumblr.com/ lists and items, in all their variety
  493. RT @skeletonsday: 👒 💀👌
  494. …in reply to @merrittk
    @merrittk wait, wait, i assumed the ones i saw were for the trip, not for passes. :(
  495. this looks like great fun vimeo.com/151970316
  496. I finally put up the thing about the stuff I did last year v21.io/blog/my-2016/
  497. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck Dreeeeamliner! (never been on one myself, but I hear they're great)
  498. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly 🐠🐟🐡🐬
  499. …in reply to @unfortunatalie
    @unfortunatalie oh, poor thing
  500. …in reply to @v21
    (there was a jam: itch.io/jam/visual-essay-jam - there's good stuff in there!)
  501. i forgot to leave the house in time, so i am not seeing a thing i was planning on seeing :<
  502. …in reply to @v21
    i was looking at fake hair instead
  503. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi naw, actually for some reason i did time maths of: thing is at 4pm-5pm, need to leave 1.5 hrs beforehand, so... 3:30?
  504. …in reply to @patrickashe
    @patrickashe @radiatoryang personal experience with a leaderless community event - v mild thing happened, and it caused a LOT of stress
  505. …in reply to @v21
    @patrickashe @radiatoryang because there was no channel for it to be resolved by, or for information to be disseminated about the resolution
  506. …in reply to @v21
    @patrickashe @radiatoryang (this stress largely fell on third parties, btw, not people directly involved in the incident)
  507. …in reply to @v21
    @patrickashe @radiatoryang (& this situation ideally would have been dealt with by a quiet word, not an expulsion, let alone a forcible one)
  508. RT @sarahjeong: Sorry, this is why I think it's significant that Tesla and SpaceX don't publish EEO-1 data. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  509. This is a weird read for me. Formalised non-game methodologies applied to game design, ending up in a similar place to folk methods. @kaseyjwang/833459185866067969
  510. …in reply to @v21
    A bunch of stuff that's often implicit made explicit, some iteration loops much longer. I guess you need Methods with such a huge team...
  511. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow all I can think of is times I have been in the Metreon Target looking for a weird but crucial thing for a Rumpus situation.
  512. …in reply to @v21
    @katbamkapow that is to say: what is the most Hohokum thing you can see?
  513. …in reply to @v21
    (I bet they don't think their iteration loops are long, or their team is huge)
  514. …in reply to @v21
    This is a weirdly boastful thing to say, but us videogames people somehow make lovely feeling software so fast and so cheaply.
  515. …in reply to @v21
    I guess it helps that all we have to do is make it lovely, and not the part where it does a useful thing at the same time.
  516. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz yes, I was trying to think of the right way of phrasing it... Useful but only because it's useless.
  517. …in reply to @v21
    @vivschwarz it's not a game if you're doing it for reasons other than itself
  518. …in reply to @v21
    I wonder if videogames would be better or worse if we always started by really thinking hard about who'd play it & what they'd want.
  519. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz yeah, that one still wasn't quite on the nail, but there's something there
  520. …in reply to @v21
    @vivschwarz and by "there" I mean "within the book 'The Well-Played Game' by Bernie DeKoven"
  521. I wish it wasn't obviously a bad idea to listen to music while cycling.
  522. …in reply to @v21
    Maybe I should just get a boombox.
  523. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow I think you accidentally found Forest of Sleep instead.
  524. …in reply to @jim_unwin
    @jim_unwin I mean, maybe what I should take from this is that I need to adopt a more formal design process.
  525. …in reply to @v21
    @jim_unwin "think quite hard about the problem" probably stops scaling at some point.
  526. …in reply to @tullyhansen
    @tullyhansen my phone isn't really loud enough - can't even hear directions from it unless I've got earphones in.
  527. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle that sounds lush, and extremely Alessandro.
  528. I was curious about whether interned Japanese Americans could vote : densho.org/luxury-voting-world-war-ii-concentration-camps-today/
  529. RT @yannseznec: Always worth reading about the Barbados-Grenada 1994 Caribbean Cup game, when both teams needed to score own goals https:/…
  530. RT @jonty: I spent Friday carrying a Bluetooth URL beacon in my pocket. 17 people clicked on it. In terms of security we are DOOMED.
  531. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ i liked it. and i would also like a key for the shiny new thing without paying any money and before it is released
  532. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ you can talk, the only game you like is the very old one.
  533. …in reply to @jazzmickle
  534. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ wow, Jazz, you're always so on-brand.
  535. …in reply to @ellaguro
    @ellaguro late or early?
  536. it'd be weird to live in a country with multiple timezones
  537. RT @simonjhix: As several have requested, here are the figs of European party family votes since 1918 as % of total votes, both with & with…
  538. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly ahhhhh. nothing so tense as something that really seems like it ought to be nothing.
  539. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @Poxican this is a reet good point (unless you're making an eternal-alpha style of thing, which can be fine)
  540. RT @johngrimwade: New post: Emojis and beyond, by Nigel Holmes. johngrimwade.com/blog/2017/02/20/emojis-and-beyond/
  541. oh! i wonder if my vaguely on-and-off sore throat is from pollution
  542. RT @dannybirchall: You still have four days left to get your app in for this job doing EXCITING GAMES SHIT with @wellcometrust https://t.co…
  543. thinking of friends i have crushes on (but am also definitely friends with) & friends who have crushes on me (also definitely friends)
  544. RT @hannahnicklin: I post this with the comment 'this is worth reading' neatly embodying everything it critiques. horriblegif.com/post/157189463814/level-drama-50 h…
  545. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin maybe? i did just curate myself into an arts council funded exhibition.
  546. …in reply to @hollygramazio
  547. …in reply to @chenoehart
    @chenoehart @ihrd I am seeing people become radicalised by events - not a matter of being more informed, but more invested & active.
  548. …in reply to @HannaKtweet
    @HannaKtweet I keep thinking about falling over when you're pulled about. Falling on him, falling on the ground, still attached by the hand
  549. …in reply to @ra
    @ra develop your own unikernel
  550. …in reply to @hunktears
    @hunktears bed making feels like this weird American thing. I have a duvet, and making the bed is just... straightening it out?
  551. …in reply to @v21
    @hunktears idk, I move it when I get in the bed, it's a single arm motion, it's not a thing.
  552. RT @joshbegley: better version vimeo.com/204951759
  553. RT @xannov: The trading cards template in @comiclife is perfect for the next part of a pupil @beastsofbalance based project. The results lo…
  554. …in reply to @xannov
  555. RT @legobutts: being reminded today that every game that ships is a fucking miracle
  556. more outgoing when you're
  557. It's 6:21am, I can't sleep, and Twitter is showing me an extremely "Lean In" ad for joining the finance industry as a woman.
  558. …in reply to @v21
    It seems ill-conceived.
  559. …in reply to @v21
    Literally "Let's be clear, ladies. The blame doesn't lie with men. It lies with you". Well, phew.
  560. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw yeah, that seems like a good loop ultimately?
  561. oh yes. the words are as much there for decoration as anything else. @rrza/833974295516823553
  562. RT @CPriestman: What we mean when we say a game is beautiful - a big grassy field - streaks of sunlight - a high viewpoint - hi-res
  563. …in reply to @LuckystrikeLucy
    @LuckystrikeLucy ah, this is a whole thing. see this thread: @FakeUnicode/807739878406385664
  564. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful i am entirely at peace with it now. besides, designing UI would be way less fun if you could just tell people how it worked.
  565. …in reply to @oneofmoo
    @oneofmoo it is bad, it is very bad. if anything, i'd prefer the CV review stage was done with gender & age signifiers scrubbed off.
  566. …in reply to @v21
    @oneofmoo it seems to be a common thing in France, though - maybe elsewhere on the continent
  567. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew the shirt looks pretty different on you now
  568. "It’s like, why can’t Mary Poppins be your Cybrarian?" @jessamyn/833877023034634240
  569. RT @emshort: Hi, GDC-goers! when you meet someone at GDC who is not a white man, please do not assume they are new/inexperienced/less techn…
  570. RT @nowk_n: Turbosmooth aesthetic.
  571. this is now the second best joke I know about the Banach-Tarski Theorem @LondonerAlex/833973276472967169
  572. RT @TroveAustralia: Maps are an oft-overlooked component of Trove. Here's one of our favourites - Australia by sheep, no sheep: https://t.c…
  573. …in reply to @undefined
    @AOsher @tomhoward87 now i know three! (just kidding, yes, that's it)
  574. …in reply to @JFriedhoff
    @JFriedhoff that's rad! get strong!
  575. …in reply to @v21
    wrist supports are a reasonable thing to advertise to me, but, like... is this one designed specifically for pancake flipping?
  576. RT @lifewinning: it’s still much cooler in person, but
  577. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @jawsew oh, you can totally manually tweet with CBDQ - "origin":"manual tweet", and press the Tweet button on the page.
  578. …in reply to @v21
    @katbamkapow @jawsew err, i mean, also it would be duplicitous. but flirting is all about plausible deniability, so...
  579. …in reply to @v21
    @katbamkapow @jawsew if you never stated it was a bot, or if you mixed bot with clearly-human, or if you were upfront about yr intentions...
  580. RT @oh_cripes: Hurrah, Bonus Stage is officially part on the London Games Festival Fringe! Submissions still open: goo.gl/forms/E69aGiIfzNPaIrpq2
  581. …in reply to @WhosTheSuit
    @FinalBullet oh, god, this question is very hard for me. uh, although i am pretty sure the answer to the second question is no
  582. …in reply to @v21
    @FinalBullet i am not that into bots that pretend to be human any more, preferring generative art & poetry, obvious artifice.
  583. …in reply to @WhosTheSuit
    @FinalBullet yep, happy to help - vtwentyone@gmail.com
  584. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck oh my god, those are perfect
  585. …in reply to @hannahnicklin
    @hannahnicklin oh what! congratulations!
  586. …in reply to @spacetwinks
    @spacetwinks this is so amazingly dense! wow. never actually seen a sam and max strip before
  587. new reading up on the machine gently stutters ❏❐❑❒ : @wolfproverbs by @ranjit v21.io/themachinegentlystutters/wolfproverbs/
  588. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly now i'm imagining a mall with a joint Games Workshop/Nail Parlour.
  589. …in reply to @v21
    @nielsen_holly tricky bit of orc detailing? they can do that for you. need extra cash to pay for those orcs...? they're hiring.
  590. …in reply to @ranjit
    @ranjit @wolfproverbs i'll get practicing
  591. RT @MrPrudence: A stitch in time saves..... I discovered an old #sewing #pattern from the 1980's #spacetime #starmap #timetravel #complexit…
  592. RT @myrthala_t: "Untitled" by Bülent Kaplan.
  593. …in reply to @jericawebber
  594. …in reply to @undefined
    @HankJones14 @danmelia @BBCBreaking @BBCNews wait, are you opposed to child benefits because the children haven't worked enough?
  595. …in reply to @Escaflowne2001
    @Escaflowne2001 @afarran08 @BBCBreaking @BBCNews what if the other country has the same rules in place?
  596. …in reply to @undefined
    @HankJones14 @danmelia the British parent would've. Anyway, I'm not in favour of punishing children for the sins of their parents.
  597. …in reply to @v21
    @HankJones14 @danmelia this would be a better country if everyone had a good start in life.
  598. …in reply to @undefined
    @HankJones14 @danmelia who, the British citizen, or the British child?
  599. …in reply to @v21
    @HankJones14 @danmelia (under this ruling, the other parent doesn't have the right to live in the same country as their child)
  600. …in reply to @v21
    @HankJones14 people I know caught up in this is a PhD student with a working spouse - their PhD grant is tax-exempt, so £18600 is plenty.
  601. …in reply to @v21
    @HankJones14 but I guess they should go do their PhD elsewhere, taking their funding with them.
  602. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @hollygramazio look at this dollhouse shop they have! cobblerscollectables.net/
  603. this is a fun thing to read, as someone curating digital work into a physical space in the year 2017 rhizome.org/editorial/2017/feb/21/all-you-need-is-link/
  604. …in reply to @lmichet
    @lmichet choosing which things have friction is totally a-ok, though
  605. …in reply to @v21
    @lmichet but yeah - what i want from a tool i make is to be surprised by the things made with it! why would i close down an avenue of that?
  606. …in reply to @v21
    @lmichet oh, uh, important exception: lots of tools can be used abusively. THAT is bad & should be denied as best you can.
  607. which do you do more frequently?
  608. …in reply to @v21
    or, to be more fact-based: which did you do more recently?
  609. …in reply to @bobbylox
    .@bobbylox true! still fascinating to me that different options are in the lead for each
  610. when you've internalised the implementations and the spirit of the spec, and produce code that works nowhere, but is theoretically perfect
  611. …in reply to @v21
    this is a subtweet about SVG rendering
  612. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ i think that theoretically should work! but debugging it is obv v painful.
  613. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ one thing I have seen is making a web service at gomix, which renders an image and returns it on request. then it's simpler
  614. …in reply to @v21
    @jmickle_ for an example of that flow: @trianglify
  615. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ that's fair - still saves you the faff of OAuth & scheduled things happening, mind. also, doesn't need a server.
  616. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore at least SVG has a whole bunch of renderers, in all different contexts.
  617. …in reply to @v21
    @infovore "at least"?
  618. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ here's the trianglify gomix setup: gomix.com/#!/project/trianglify
  619. …in reply to @WhosTheSuit
    @FinalBullet @throwyrphoneout i think it is because the dog looks sad
  620. two dog RTs so far today. Maybe I'll go for three?
  621. RT @jessefuchs: YIL from an old @idlethumbs pod that there was a Murder She Wrote boardgame where everyone plays a Jessica Fletcher (but on…
  622. …in reply to @v21
    thanks go to @tigershungry
  623. …in reply to @hellocatfood
    @hellocatfood @nikkipugh yayayayah congrats!
  624. Oikospiel has been out about a week, I wanna read some thoughtful writing about it
  625. I sincerely like this @SaiIBoat/834228929741271041
  626. …in reply to @hell0jed
    @hell0jed oh yeah, I saw some of yr tweets. Too bad! But also, I totally get you with the Too Muchness of it.
  627. …in reply to @hell0jed
    @hell0jed yeah, for sure. I also need to play more, have only played scattered bits, mainly at events.
  628. …in reply to @cymatiste
    @asthesparksfly ah, foo, thanks for saying
  629. RT @tinysubversions: Hey botmakers! Linode just introduced a $5/mo hosting tier. It's tiny (1 GB RAM) but more than sufficient to host doze…
  630. …in reply to @hondanhon
    @hondanhon I mean, Digital Ocean is the same price, just a bit more of a fuss
  631. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang I mean, I haven't written anything either...
  632. RT @torahhorse: the best thing about videogames is doing tasks
  633. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
  634. …in reply to @ConnorSherlock
    @teg5511 that field of crosses is A* space aesthetic.
  635. good advice: "I would say to choose your design risks carefully; if you are willing to risk [...], what other risks will you mitigate?"
  636. …in reply to @v21
  637. …in reply to @Thairyn
  638. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn absolutely no issues here, whatsoever
  639. …in reply to @xannov
    @xannov oh god. "colourspaces" is the answer, and it's a whole rabbithole.
  640. …in reply to @xannov
    @xannov it's probably worth poking at a little bit, but if the fix is blindly changing stuff til it works, you're not a bad person.
  641. RT @paaleksey: TIL: There are bots on Github that create pull requests to projects using CI replacing all code with bitcoin-mining code.
  642. I dreamt I missed my flight home from a games event in Iceland. I was struggling to work out the price of a replacement.
  643. …in reply to @v21
    Just looked it up, and there's an EasyJet today for $153. So that's alright then.
  644. just went to block someone for an instant twinge of annoyance. but their bio said: "before you block me, read my pinned tweet"
  645. …in reply to @v21
    so i did. and then i blocked 'em.
  646. RT @benxo: Just rediscovered one of my favourite pieces of GMail art.
  647. wikipedia was the best thing that ever happened to the word "disambiguation"
  648. RT @deray: real.
  649. hello! we have announced (most of) the exhibition lineup for Now Play This! feast yr eyes on this: nowplaythis.net/2017-exhibition/
  650. …in reply to @v21
    40+ games, just in the exhibition proper (plus more scheduled games, events, talks, etc etc)
  651. …in reply to @v21
    i'll do an obnoxiously long tweet thread at some point. that'll be fun, i'm sure.
  652. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry you should definitely fly straight on to Beijing. because then you will have CIRCUMNAVIGATED THE WORLD.
  653. …in reply to @v21
    @tigershungry idk. i've never done that. would be cool!
  654. …in reply to @v21
    @tigershungry oooh - maybe fly on to Beijing a day earlier and have a day to see Beijing? cheaper accommodation...
  655. i upgraded unity and building for iOS has got much nicer. not only does it not steal focus, it also doesn't crash every time. whoop whoop!
  656. …in reply to @haikus_by_KN
    @haikus_by_KN It beats debugging makefiles. Or Maven/Ant.
  657. …in reply to @v21
    oh yeah - also tickets are on sale now: somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/now-play-this Saturday sold out in advance before, so worth jumping on it.
  658. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  659. …in reply to @notsimonv3
    @simonv3 multiple choice grid, scantron-style?
  660. by the end of this i... agreed? it makes sense. economist.com/blogs/bagehot/2017/02/go-north?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/
  661. …in reply to @bad_tetris
    @bad_tetris go for it! just one more pack...
  662. a bot that retweets every tweet on twitter containing only the words "environmental storytelling" and pictures
  663. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro @TheEconomist it'd be a pain to move it again when Scotland gains independence.
  664. …in reply to @undefined
    @digitalsqand @env_story yeah, i found it and then filtered it from the search i was looking at
  665. how i buy books is i add them to my cart on amazon, then every few months look at the cart & see it's way more than i should spend on books.
  666. RT @nonhashtag: George Buckenham!
  667. …in reply to @brothboy
    @brothboy i can't drive :< and my pajama bottom's elastic is going so they fall down the whole time :<
  668. …in reply to @brothboy
    @brothboy haha. i do have a good bum, maybe i should put it to better use.
  669. …in reply to @gothdome
    @jimdeeer @dreamfeelx ugh, gross, get a room. [aide scurries on stage, whispers in ear] oh. alright. carry on.
  670. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly :D congratulations!
  671. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    @frozenpandaman p sure it's still a duplicate tweet thing - does it work if you manually trigger it from within CBDQ?
  672. …in reply to @v21
    @frozenpandaman (that way you should be able to see the actual error, which otherwise gets eaten by the back-end)
  673. …in reply to @v21
    @frozenpandaman if it is - then adding invisible unicode characters to the end is the way people often fix it. or zero-width-spaces within.
  674. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz i like *being mean* i just don't like the *consequences of being mean*. like, for other people.
  675. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    @frozenpandaman 12:34 GMT, iirc
  676. …in reply to @v21
    @frozenpandaman and yeah, triggered off a cron job - but same auth etc from tweeting from the site as automatically.
  677. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 yeah, same. what's even worse is a new Citymapper thing where it congratulates me for getting transit & not driving.
  678. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 the team is based in London, I'm in London, no-one drives here, it's a route that would make zero sense to drive.
  679. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 congrats, I've saved £200 a week by not getting a black cab to work & back every day. whoo
  680. …in reply to @tanyaxshort
    @tanyaxshort i reflexively never think of myself under this kind of umbrella. but: i am.
  681. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow that's still p cool!
  682. i had to do a little reading to understand why this was so funny/terrifying: bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=168774#c27
  683. remember that time i gave a whole talk entirely on a single line from a Edge review decades ago? youtube.com/watch?v=5iHp_l0BvpM
  684. …in reply to @v21
    digging up the link, i found i was mentioned in an ibtimes story as representing a different position on the joke than i actually took
  685. …in reply to @v21
    which... is great, because digging into the original text i found that it was mocked for taking a somewhat different line than it did take
  686. i'd buy this, but i don't have a windows setup to play it on store.steampowered.com/app/503400/
  687. …in reply to @Poxican
    @Poxican big red racing
  688. …in reply to @polclarissou
  689. …in reply to @chlolist
    @chlolist @q_dork ahhh I was just thinking this!
  690. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork sad not to see you! hope you're doing great, and have a great time
  691. i'm not going to gdc and i'm sad about it
  692. …in reply to @v21
    but if you are, i am wishing you a chill time, with good conversations and a sense of community and inclusion
  693. …in reply to @v21
    also, if you're in London and want to hang out, hmu, i've not planned enough stuff to do while everyone else is away
  694. …in reply to @steggy_
    @steggy_ we'll always have Antwerp!
  695. …in reply to @morganholleb
    @mrgnptts I hadn't noticed it was on til you just mentioned it!
  696. …in reply to @q_dork
    @q_dork hope it's been good hectic and starting to settle a little. and yeah, enjoy it!
  697. …in reply to @pippinbarr
    @pippinbarr ah, you are definitely up there with them for me! I also really enjoy thecatamites writing, which you'd probably dig too
  698. …in reply to @undefined
    @animalphase these stories are always pretty weird to me, because over here those terms are like... super servile?
  699. …in reply to @v21
    @animalphase like, maybe I could see it with "excuse me, sir", but as an every interaction thing, nah
  700. …in reply to @v21
    @animalphase anyway, not really the point. but a weird bit of cultural difference!
  701. …in reply to @pippinbarr
  702. …in reply to @v21
    @pippinbarr I have also enjoyed (spurred on by Stephen, in part) @netgal_emi's writing recently medium.com/@midboss
  703. …in reply to @undefined
    @animalphase yeah, I think service in shops and restaurants is a lot less formal here in general
  704. …in reply to @v21
    @animalphase so where you do find it, it stands out as being a place that's all about that, which is a particular thing
  705. …in reply to @v21
    i always think about breakfast radio when i think about youtubers. imagine that guardian article, but about chris moyles.
  706. RT @xannov: So this happened this afternoon. A proper first test of the @comiclife designed top trumps trading cards. And the kids loved th…
  707. RT @solipsis_: relationship status: in love with the moon
  708. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn petition to get @thricedotted to start @moonmurmur running again
  709. …in reply to @undefined
  710. …in reply to @nielsen_holly
    @nielsen_holly sometimes you forget how 90s the xfiles is. then you remember scully's raincoats. they're so earnest.
  711. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin ahhh, now i'm especially sad i'm not gonna make it out
  712. …in reply to @everestpipkin
    @katierosepipkin !!! ahh, that's great news. lemme know! & welcome to crash if that's useful.
  713. waiting to finish up a thing so i can post it. it's... sexy
  714. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 @EdgeOfMyTweet what happens if you're not unambiguously of either gender? like that (cis) woman who got accused of being a man?
  715. …in reply to @raylynn244
  716. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu i stuck my head in one lunchtime - they are really... alive 👌
  717. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 if this is the issue, why are all the bills so adamant it should be based on birth gender, not changed documents?
  718. …in reply to @v21
    @raylynn244 (because if it passes, the trans men ^^ have a choice - break the law, or go into the women's bathroom to pee)
  719. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 more people carry driving licenses than birth certificates
  720. …in reply to @v21
    @raylynn244 (also, if it means they can pee safely, trans people would)
  721. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 so why compel people who look like men, are men into using the women's toilets?
  722. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 i mean, also bathrooms have stalls. why are women getting half-naked in the public section of rest rooms?
  723. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 so why make a law making it illegal? anyone with a grudge could get them arrested, any time. does that not feel abusable?
  724. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 what part is a free for all? where does this happen now? are there any cases of this being a problem?
  725. …in reply to @v21
    @raylynn244 it's still illegal to sexually assault people, or harass people. or is the threat a trans person just standing there?
  726. …in reply to @raylynn244
    @raylynn244 so why were you against @v21/835329023802761217 ? that's not "that day" that's an expensive and boring legal process
  727. …in reply to @v21
    @raylynn244 why not make a law that deals with predators, but doesn't make it illegal to be a trans person using a public bathroom?
  728. really enjoying doing stuff on the machine gently stutters ❏❐❑❒ - i keep hearing ways i could improve, it's satisfying to learn things.
  729. …in reply to @v21
    while each is relatively small to do, there's a bunch of different aspects to work on: curating, reading, recording, producing
  730. i don't know how to feel about this. other than sorry for her. theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/25/rachel-dolezal-not-going-stoop-apologise-grovel
  731. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi i am filled with joy
  732. …in reply to @v21
    also i am so glad i am not trying to edit all this shit in Audacity
  733. …in reply to @v21
    also, fine, fine, if i keep on with this i should buy/make a pop filter
  734. yes they are! i am v excited about this, too, and have been for a good while (the idea came from Wild Rumpus, oddly enough) @vivschwarz/835482838816411648
  735. …in reply to @v21
  736. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow maybe my finest creation is my twitter advertising profile...
  737. …in reply to @v21
    early feedback: "it's uncomfortably good" "i don't know if i can listen to this"
  738. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver i was gonna do @moonmurmur, but changed my mind!
  739. design games to cause people to get mad with each other! @Michael_French/835497495786586112
  740. …in reply to @v21
    we do okay at this with Beasts. but Overcooked does it better. there's always next time.
  741. …in reply to @v21
  742. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @katbamkapow @sexwithflowers i'm not sure, but i am definitely enjoying trying to work it out
  743. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver @katbamkapow @sexwithflowers thank you! 🌸
  744. the bot likes the reading! @sexwithflowers/835502149488492544
  745. RT @popeguilty: The problem with succeeding despite adversity is that a lot of people take it as a validation of the adversity.
  746. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt i am sorry to hear this, and i hope things get easier soon.
  747. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt i feel that...
  748. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt is it dated for when the paper issue comes out?
  749. …in reply to @rachelcoldicutt
    @rachelcoldicutt i looked this up after vaguely wondering about it for years: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cover_date !
  750. I am struggling to find a thing. A British? mechanical device that wrote original poetry and played the national anthem when it was done.
  751. Yesss - this is it, and it's as great as I remember @mewo2/835540332515311617
  752. do you derive your identity from your work?
  753. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow come over, we can actually watch GDC talks (which I never do if I'm there)
  754. Tried a place I've not been to before. Now sitting, full of good pho, and have just spotted the "cash only" sign.
  755. …in reply to @HilariousCow
    @HilariousCow ah, I get it. But let the invite linger there as a temptation, and a reminder of friends outside yr work.
  756. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef oh, I hadn't seen this. I have just eaten a big ol bowl of pho, so food is not really a temptation. But I'd be up for a drink.
  757. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @wjjjjt do you, did you, will you? could you, should you, would you?
  758. I decided to try out Bumble and in the past hour it has shown me both of my friends that work at the V&A.
  759. …in reply to @v21
    I don't think I've ever seen anyone I know on Tinder. (obv OkCupid is a landfield of people-I-know)
  760. …in reply to @undefined
    @_cheesybeaver they all work a bit differently, but mainly it's that there are different types of people on each
  761. …in reply to @v21
    @_cheesybeaver OkC, esp my OkC, is queers and poly peeps. Tinder & Bumble are general population, Bumble a bit more upmarket.
  762. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow now I'm wondering if this is true for me. not currently with work - it's to explore, even things I think are probably bad
  763. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow hm! I was thinking of it as "I really hope this works" vs "I wonder if & how this works". But I think ^^ is truer.
  764. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang translating between communities is such an important job
  765. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang is this like realtime vs offline rendering?
  766. …in reply to @v21
    Hm - on a slow connection and inferring that most people don't look past the first photo from the fact the app doesn't precache them.
  767. …in reply to @undefined
    @_cheesybeaver pity fav
  768. …in reply to @v21
    @_cheesybeaver (still love you)
  769. …in reply to @v21
    @_cheesybeaver (and your face)
  770. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette huh, I was getting the urge to restart mine
  771. …in reply to @v21
    @mink_ette but, yes, you should. You've got a good blend of funny/serious/curious, it'd make for good podcast.
  772. I feel the same about heartrate monitors (for different reasons). But I've seen cool things in at least one case! @radiatoryang/835586734477955072
  773. This pub is playing All Star and it's not ironic or a thing, just a song on a playlist.
  774. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow glad you're having fun
  775. RT @Robin_B: "Schrödinger's Litterbox": find an invisible cat with a custom vibration glove & no display, made by me & @gutter__squid at #t…
  776. RT @michaelscaines: Lord what a lot of work still to do!...And here I am plagued by the sudden wish to write an anti-Fascist pamphlet.–Virg…
  777. i didn't know this! always thought they were the same person @Lethal_Zonda/835226793938411521
  778. …in reply to @sexwithflowers
  779. …in reply to @likeluke_
    @likeluke_ @radiodario oh wow, ⌘+` is a gamechanger
  780. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ @jawsew it's like sex criminals but with a small child and his grandfather's pocketwatch instead
  781. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @jmickle_ Kat left the first two volumes here
  782. …in reply to @v21
    @jawsew @jmickle_ which, like, they're not mine, but i am pretty sure she would be fine with you borrowing them
  783. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew @jmickle_ firstly : wow. secondly : same
  784. RT @atwistedtree: Proteus is 5 years old today*! You can get £10 off the Artifact Edition with code "BIRTHDAY" here: twistedtreegames.bigcartel.com/product/proteus-artifact-edition
  785. A strong late entry for the flatgame jam @girlposts/835612500821442560
  786. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @squidlarkin okay, but you have to do top five "<place/nationality> breakfasts"
  787. …in reply to @sheilamu
    @sheilamu didn't you know?
  788. I took a recording of Clair de lune and on top of it I read all the YouTube comments about it making people cry v21.io/themachinegentlystutters/clairdelune/
  789. …in reply to @v21
    I think it is funny and, ultimately, moving. Please listen to my podcast. Thank you.
  790. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette @squidlarkin Scottish Irish English American Continental. In that order.
  791. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle did it make your tearducts explode?
  792. RT @therealosd: monolith slipの森みたいな音のくだりヤバ過ぎる
  793. i was looking for a thing for a new thing, and accidentally found this thing about an old thing instead: twvideo01.ubm-us.net/o1/vault/gdc2016/Presentations/Compton_Kate_Tracery.pdf
  794. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful ah, good, glad it's not just me gettin' mad about this piece
  795. …in reply to @v21
  796. impact of algorithms on culture: YT's recommendation system penalizes creators if they leave a few weeks between uploads
  797. …in reply to @v21
    so youtubers upload daily (as per polygon.com/2017/2/21/14683942/pewdiepie-controversy-youtube-drama). with minimal staff & putting out ~1hr of edited video in every 24...
  798. …in reply to @v21
    you end up with popular channels being largely personality-based, responding naturally to existing content (videogames, makeup, etc)...
  799. …in reply to @v21
    eventually ending up with articles like this theguardian.com/culture/2017/feb/24/zoe-sugg-zoella-the-vlogger-blamed-for-declining-teenage-literacy?CMP=twt_gu treating it as a problem with "kids today". ah well.
  800. …in reply to @v21
    this isn't the only way to "do Youtube" - but it's the easiest, and most rewarded, so no surprise it's the biggest
  801. …in reply to @v21
    also, as i've said before, the best way to think about YT is via parasocial friendships and by analogy to drivetime radio
  802. …in reply to @v21
    which, yeah, i think there is something there about late capitalism and loneliness- but this is also part of a continuum stretching WAY back
  803. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef lmk if the orchids are worth a trip next weekend!
  804. …in reply to @v21
    like... this is the point of _brands_, even, to substitute an emotional connection to a fiction to real human contact & trust.
  805. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall yeah - i think that's less clearcut as being an algorithmic decision, as opposed to part of the attention economy as a whole
  806. …in reply to @v21
    @aidowall and also can often be good (also often bad)
  807. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall oh, that's interesting, i haven't seen that myself.
  808. …in reply to @bekokstover
    @bekokstover @Lethal_Zonda haaa. They blocked me too, my own quote tweet doesn't show
  809. …in reply to @bekokstover
    @bekokstover @Lethal_Zonda haha, it's fine I should've dug out the original anyway
  810. someone give me the turbine hall commission, please, i know exactly what i would do with it
  811. Literally the example Microsoft gives of this feature is it making it harder to install non-MS browsers. Like. There's history there. @mspoweruser/835815401753751552
  812. …in reply to @v21
    now trying to work out if the budget would stretch to it, and accessibility requirements. useful sunday thoughts
  813. …in reply to @ntlk
    @ntlk this might also be useful github.com/dariusk/corpora/tree/master/data/words JSON for common words, nouns, etc
  815. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  816. …in reply to @v21
    a strong showing here for the idea of struggling to know what counts as "work"
  817. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow me tooo
  818. …in reply to @Slaktus
    @Slaktus I pass on this question
  819. …in reply to @taleoftales
  820. RT @logodaedalus: Good write-up on what happens if you take hedge fund AI approaches to manipulating public sentiment. Ugh. https://t.co/6Y…
  821. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang I definitely know people who have removed/edited stuff from their website before crossing a border.
  822. …in reply to @undefined
    @mrghostyx you get like one fifth the audience, tho
  823. RT @tTikitu: Playing with another Celtic knotwork system -- this one is interactive!
  824. …in reply to @hollygramazio
  825. …in reply to @RealPeerReview
    @RealPeerReview @Gainsayen some good hauntological tunes out there - Pye Corner Audio is probably the best example
  826. …in reply to @adrielxyz
    @adrielbeaver making sexy noises into a microphone, went to the Tate Modern to see the extension, and the thing I'm about to tweet.
  827. I just packaged up my v bare-bones Tracery port for Unity github.com/v21/unity-tracery (cc @GalaxyKate)
  828. …in reply to @v21
    hopefully will extend it to do all the expected things (variables, modifiers, etc) soon. & maybe put it on the asset store? idk, it's a pain
  829. …in reply to @v21
    though the feature I really wanna add (though it's only in unofficial patches of mainline Tracery) is allowing you to set the random seed
  830. …in reply to @maxkreminski
    @maxkreminski ah, neat! i was suspicious a different version existed, but couldn't dig anything up when i quickly checked.
  831. …in reply to @v21
    @maxkreminski and yours is way more advanced than mine!
  832. …in reply to @v21
    though tbh @maxkreminski's version looks superior to mine! github.com/mkremins/TracerySharp
  833. RT @KommanderKlobb: Mild Rumpus class of 2017
  834. …in reply to @elirainsberry
    @LizRainsberry it's so good, so transformative, so... focused.to have the confidence to let a thing take space, and the skill to be worth it
  835. …in reply to @v21
    @LizRainsberry also if you haven't played Dominique Pamplemousse yet, you should get on that
  836. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette fonts for emoji
  837. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette i see google.com/get/noto/help/emoji/ a whole bunch and have to do the translation to Apple Color Emoji in my head.
  838. …in reply to @v21
    @mink_ette but then twitter has it's own set!
  839. …in reply to @v21
    @mink_ette count the fingers on Samsung's crossed fingers emojipedia.org/hand-with-index-and-middle-fingers-crossed/
  840. best emoji font
  841. …in reply to @regresssion
    @regresssion @LizRainsberry i would def read those words! are they up anywhere?
  842. …in reply to @rclarke
    @rclarke so are the Noto ones! github.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji/tree/master/svg (though i get why people don't like the squishy blob faces)
  843. …in reply to @inconvergent
    @inconvergent that's a whole thing. a seam of gold.
  844. RT @RATDAD420: new fun game: everytime those "zoom in on ______" posts come up try to find the final message without having to follow the o…
  845. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb @SK_Louie @tigershungry @patrickashe looooouiiiee! so sad not to share that small patch of conference astroturf with you
  846. …in reply to @Choplogik
  847. browsing okcupid and wow that's definitely 700 words imploring me to sign a petition about wild horses in the USA on this profile
  848. …in reply to @v21
    i mean, i'm pro wild horses
  849. …in reply to @SK_Louie
    @SK_Louie @KommanderKlobb @tigershungry @patrickashe keep 'em in line for me, willya?
  850. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall ohh, it was on some tinder-like thing and i pressed the x, i'm not sure i can go back
  851. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall nahhhh, it's totally fine, i'm the one tweeting about it
  852. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn "okay, back to the okcupid thing *a thousand more words follow*"
  853. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn i think it's true love
  854. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow @_benjamming tbh, that's the main reason i go to talks
  855. …in reply to @Thairyn
  856. looking forward to this reboot of one foot in the grave @snailsnake/836002668241801216
  857. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn my handsome man, @Horse_ebooks
  858. …in reply to @studioanisa
    @studioanisa yes! generally: be as informal as you can be while still making the points you want to!
  859. RT @SocialHistoryOx: This is cool. The dot in the middle of the box is thought to be the world's oldest zero, on a 7th century Cambodian st…
  860. …in reply to @advtimebot
    @advtimebot yes - this is probably caught up in the syntax for variable capture - should be able to escape them with backslashes
  861. …in reply to @phillylauren
    @phillylauren "lip-stick"
  862. …in reply to @phillylauren
    @phillylauren there were some posts going round about a week ago about how creepy the inventor is
  863. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx fucking skelmersdale
  864. RT @fightstrife: Super fascinating discussion by train enthusiasts about Train Jam: discuss.amtraktrains.com/index.php?/topic/69446-train-jam-cz-feb-23/ Interesting seeing things from…
  865. …in reply to @oopsohno
  866. haha
  867. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn @UoYLibrary what happens if you're... not about?
  868. RT @Pinboard: The Programmers’ Credo: we do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they were going to be easy
  869. …in reply to @dwarph
    @dwarph yeah, i like what i've heard! but it is funny, the headlines arguing with each other.
  870. …in reply to @v21
    @dwarph (though also a nonsense - lots of good bands doing DIY stuff these days, though London is stonier ground than elsewhere)
  871. …in reply to @JenuinePanic
    @JenuinePanic i feel this - listening to myself back and going "finish your damn words!"
  872. RT @DougieStew: Welcome to London #BagelGate
  873. i'm learning about 3d math
  874. RT @tinysubversions: So... I made a Twitter app that mutes anyone who says the initials of "Game Developers Conference" until Sat Mar 4. ht…
  875. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi a good lesson in treating kids seriously
  876. …in reply to @v21
  877. …in reply to @celsshirt
    @_imokurok hi liz
  878. …in reply to @elirainsberry
    @LizRainsberry @_imokurok i had never noticed how much of a Ghibli character you are before, but you really are
  879. i am so grateful it's Steam that have the PC gaming storefront monopoly. things could be a lot lot worse @retroremakes/836240122362331136
  880. …in reply to @v21
    i mean, monopolies are still bad, and Steam isn't even perfect within that frame. but.
  881. burning the midnight oil, i see @ChuckTingle/836245649096003585
  882. …in reply to @v21
    oh, yeah, this is distantly triggered by this: blog.twitch.tv/coming-soon-get-it-on-twitch-9c829cae6ac1#.aslnbxmt6 (sales via Amazon US)
  883. we were on ABC! so weird to see code i wrote running inside a high-gloss American studio abcnews.go.com/WNN/video/2017-toy-fair-45556878
  884. …in reply to @v21
  885. …in reply to @v21
    remembering this bit from Roshonara Choudhry's police interview, after she stabbed her MP theguardian.com/uk/2010/nov/03/roshonara-choudhry-police-interview
  886. …in reply to @zeynep
    @zeynep @v21/836257339330203649 here's a convicted Islamic extremist talking about the role YouTube had in her radicalization
  887. RT @maruti_bitamin: Acrylic ink + watercolour
  888. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore you got this
  889. …in reply to @studioanisa
    @studioanisa it'll be okay, sort what you can and remember the most important thing to do before speaking is be calm and feel good
  890. …in reply to @xxvi_xxxviii
    @xxvi_xxxviii I want to write something incoherent, textual, entirely built on evocation and indeterminate allusion. It might be possible?
  891. …in reply to @radiatoryang
    @radiatoryang definitely interesting how inter-compatible Vive & Oculus are turning out to be
  892. RT @hondanhon: This is also why preschoolers love Alexa @Werner/826890523629776898
  893. …in reply to @Sosowski
    @Sosowski I can see why people thought that, though: @megganpez/835917719400689665
  894. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @asponge @haikus_by_KN if both me and Alice will swear to a thing, it must be true.
  895. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome it's fine, though the security guards might nudge you. also don't snore
  896. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome miss you too! hope you're having a good week so far. also i've sent one person out with a mission to hug you for me.
  897. …in reply to @gothdome
    @gothdome not saying who! i hope you meet them, though, they're ace.
  898. …in reply to @lizardengland
    @lizardengland thank you so much for livetweeting this - it is extremely relevant to my interests
  899. look at this beautiful map! (Buggy Run, NES)
  900. RT @RavenKwok: Another derivation: self-organizing humanoid figures and body parts.
  901. …in reply to @jonty
    @jonty @oopsohno @DorkbotLondon doubly ironic - i passed you just outside Somerset House on my way there
  902. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal the thing is, tho. the thing is. it's always a derek
  903. …in reply to @notquitereal
    @notquitereal ye- the problem is that this derek's derekness is visible and tangible. whereas most dereks, you can pretend they're not derek
  904. …in reply to @v21
    @notquitereal i am remembering dubya choking on a pretzel
  905. RT @iD4RO: I cannot stress enough how fucking weird this is. Here's a totally random excerpt from this 8 minute masterpiece. https://t.co/r…
  906. lurking on twitter to see fragments of @q_dork's talk as it goes up. this is wild: @ForestJay/836379685764263940
  907. …in reply to @doougle
    @doougle "Dressed smart like a London bloke. Before he speak his suit bespoke.
  908. …in reply to @v21
    @doougle And you thought he was cute before. Look at this peacoat, tell me he's broke."
  909. …in reply to @v21
    @doougle love that line, but not quite as much as Tinie Tempah's "I got so many clothes I keep some in my aunt's house"
  910. RT @phoenixperry: My new game Bot Party in test bot phase! Meet the test bots!!!!
  911. RT @katierosepipkin: . / '/ '|'/^ \`'/.^ '/ /
  912. RT @vogon: glad folks are starting to mess around with machine learning algorithms for gender classification of photos https://t.co/k02kUiG…
  913. RT @vogon: "how do good classifiers mislearn this problem space" is a way more interesting question than "how do I build a good classifier"…
  914. A recently released 1991 Shell educational film about the dangers of climate change (30 mins) vimeo.com/205539515
  915. A service you sign into that automatically favs your tweets from your own account.
  916. Thinking about talks I have seen that were delivered terribly but were great because the work they were showing was great.
  917. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz it's the Attention Economy, baby!
  918. …in reply to @mink_ette
    @mink_ette haven't written the service yet
  919. v much feel this thread @HarryGiles/836546056800374785
  920. …in reply to @HJosephineGiles
    @HarryGiles not accepting a position to exist is different from immediate exile, irrevocable reputational damage when you think you see it
  921. …in reply to @guided1
    @guided1 no, i think i just forked it to do a pull request or summat
  922. …in reply to @guided1
  923. …in reply to @edclef
    @edclef they're all hungover - meet at Mel's in an hour, yeah?
  924. in a new-music lull - what's stuff i might like? possible reference: @v21/808280593335259136
  925. …in reply to @tomhoward87
    @tomhoward87 cheers, listening now
  926. …in reply to @spacefinner
    @spacefinner so many reasons that can happen - but new-new doesn't matter, really. thanks!
  927. …in reply to @dartt
    @dartt ah, i listened a fair bit (after seeing @leighalexander talking about her), but it never quite caught
  928. RT @sashageffen: watching billboard reckon with the collapse of genre is rly interesting
  929. …in reply to @v21
  930. RT @heatpenn: abstract comic
  931. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern what about 'em?
  932. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern oh! yes, i managed to fail to attach the link or twitter went weird, or something. it was the bagel train thing.
  933. Instantiate now has generic overloads, yess #unity3d
  934. …in reply to @cathroon
  935. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    @frozenpandaman in London a monthly Zone 1-9 travelcard is £329.10 ($408.90)
  936. RT @moonshotbot: 🌗🌚🌛 Apollo 12 Hasselblad image from film magazine 50/Q - Orbital 🌜🌘🌌 flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/21702687555
  937. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 imagine how wildly you'd laugh if you first came up with the idea for it
  938. just got stung because i forgot that in normal C# classes, things don't magically initialise themselves
  939. RT @john_brindle: In China, which has a strong arcade scene, there are 3,000+ VR arcades - but only 20% of them are actually making money #…
  940. RT @katbamkapow: please give me more games where failure is valid, disempowerment is mechanically interesting, and repercussions are tangib…
  941. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ I'd appreciate a present of some cash
  942. …in reply to @spnbmb
    @spnbmb nooo, sorry, I tried to find a good way to make this work but failed
  943. …in reply to @v21
    @spnbmb (I hope to improve it at some point)
  944. RT @stephen__clark: come visit me at ~Mild Rumpus~ @WildRumpus #gdc17
  945. @hownottodraw this GDC talk is boss
  946. Sometimes it feels like I only build tools so I can once in a while trick myself into making a thing rather than programming.
  947. Weirdly, I care much more about the contents of the talks this GDC than any previous one.
  948. RT @WildRumpus: TADAAAA \(:D)/ #mildrumpus
  949. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw miss you too! eat a burrito for me!
  950. …in reply to @sarahjeong
  951. …in reply to @wjjjjt
    @wjjjjt Dr Stacky Beasts