v21’s avatarv21’s Twitter Archive

Tweets from 2018/02

  1. …in reply to @princess_oberyn
    @princess_oberyn @OmanReagan why doesn't NRPR usually read the actual article, anyway?
  2. RT @tambourine: i wrote a little bit about the due south episode “the ladies’ man”, and what it says about the death penalty/criminal justi…
  3. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry ‼️‼️
  4. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio i really didn't think you'd find this hard!
  5. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
  6. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz oooooh, i have admired that from afar for a while now
  7. …in reply to @edjeff
    @edjeff legalize it
  8. RT @mewo2: Languages are bananas
  9. ahh, I want to take this class! @npseaver/959126560304492546
  10. …in reply to @v21
    in fact, let's make this a thread of classes I want to take. I also want to take @aparrish's Electronic Rituals, Oracles and Fortune Telling eroft.decontextualize.com/
  11. …in reply to @v21
    I also want to take a class (I don't think this exists) on "Digital Markmaking". A whistlestop tour of all the ways you can make a computer render something.
  12. …in reply to @v21
    obviously, I want to go to the School for Poetic Computation sfpc.io/ (obviously)
  13. …in reply to @v21
    this would be fun https://t.co/TnUO41qF4D?amp=1 (Doom is an Art Scene, by @alt254)
  14. …in reply to @xxvi_xxxviii
    @xxvi_xxxviii @aparrish @thelastdeck I know that feeling! Still slightly reeling from the first time I heard someone say they'd shown their students Punch The Custard
  15. …in reply to @v21
    @xxvi_xxxviii @aparrish @thelastdeck although @thelastdeck showing up does seem completely unsurprising, from where I'm sitting
  16. …in reply to @martinhollis
    @martinhollis probably! I'd definitely learn more. maybe some day I'll go into academia and have a chance
  17. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate oh, this looks interesting! though I think if I was running the class I'd focus on more characteristically digital methods (vectors, pixel-blitting, aliasing, prerendered CG, deep dream, etc...)
  18. …in reply to @v21
    (or a similar course, but focused on Minecraft. maybe it's too recent to have enough secondary sources to lean on, though?)
  19. …in reply to @v21
    @molleindustria's Internet Resistance also sounds like fun internetresistance.molleindustria.org/
  20. …in reply to @undefined
    @ghhghgghghghgh_ @8fldh @brothboy @carpetbones @froachclub @pugzine which of them would win in a fight? if they had a million dollars to make a game, what would they make?
  21. idea: a Buzzfeed vertical that's lifted entirely from The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon
  22. …in reply to @roomthily
    @roomthily the "looks like you're trying to post a hash! have you considered one of these services to help with that" folk... 🙃
  23. …in reply to @v21
    my flatmate is a generally competent person, is doing art for a game, and has this attached to the bottom of their screen
  24. look at how hard Manny Jacinto is having to work to not look suave as fuck in that suit @jonnysun/959147767728955393
  25. @greenseaweed been loving your hourlies!
  26. …in reply to @greenseaweed
    @greenseaweed it really plays to your strengths, too! those clean pencil lines, the panel-less movement across the page
  27. bot of the day: @vg_erotica many bots combine two things in order to create something bigger and better through the juxtaposition this bot combines two things to make something much worse
  28. i'm a fan of friend simulator! it's such a smart idea! @puptownrika/959197612220891136
  29. …in reply to @greenseaweed
    @greenseaweed i'd love to read a longer comic by you!
  30. RT @RavenKwok: Improved seamlessness for every subdivision & merging...took me an entire afternoon to perfect beveling transformation. http…
  31. …in reply to @CulturalGeek
    @CulturalGeek plus: being able to afford not to release a bad game
  32. …in reply to @elirainsberry
    @elirainsberry i've heard of people having issues with someone else issuing takedowns (on YT especially), sometimes on stuff the artist has uploaded etc. dunno if that's an issue...
  33. …in reply to @elirainsberry
    @elirainsberry yeah, it's the other way round i'd be worried about - letting a platform claim content ID on stuff & accidentally fucking up letsplayers. worth checking, anyhow!
  34. want to work with me making an Alexa game? the game is about travelling around the world, talking to locals & answering trivia questions. the job is: writing the questions, and directing the voice actors. it'll be fun! details here: sensibleobject.com/#joinus (closing date 12th)
  35. …in reply to @v21
    happy to answer any questions, DMs are open
  36. …in reply to @jonbro
    @jonbro awwwwww! was really good working with you, too!
  37. …in reply to @v21
    @jonbro ALSO i was going to send you a copy of the fantastic beasts script as a thank you present for being so great in the run up to shipping, but i never posted it. sorry! send me your new address, i'll see if i still have it around.
  38. …in reply to @undefined
    @ms45 :<
  39. …in reply to @v21
    all of which said, the Toycon Garage is very exciting polygon.com/2018/2/1/16960622/nintendo-labo-toy-con-garage-custom-feature
  40. …in reply to @katbamkapow
  41. …in reply to @hollygramazio
    @hollygramazio @DavidParlett god, but it's not even, it's about the word "constituative", in a post about the word "ludeme"
  42. …in reply to @v21
    @hollygramazio @DavidParlett i mean, yes, the essay is about... anyway
  43. …in reply to @_BenMonroe_
    @GuidanceRoMan you need to be local to London for the duration of the work, unfortunately
  44. RT @zeynep: A fascinating, important in-depth investigation of how YouTube's recommendation algorithm apparently functioned in the 2016 ele…
  45. RT @austin_walker: I woke up to see that @bleatingheart had sent me 41 context-free (and likely spoiler filled) Lost Sphear screenshots tha…
  46. RT @kcimc: after the documentary was shot, a stronger & updated version defeated #1 player ke jie 3-0. he had a great response. https://t.c…
  47. …in reply to @Syraleaf
    @Syraleaf thanks!
  48. …in reply to @mari_beee_
    @schmaribov @josephfcox the distinction is between using it via the app or website and via API, I think
  49. …in reply to @JFriedhoff
    @JFriedhoff @Appleguysnake I did not know this until this thread (have also been using it professionally for years, and do have a vaguely CSey degree)!
  50. …in reply to @bb8fanclub
    @PorgOnAStick thinking about it, yeah!
  51. RT @youngvulgarian: I've not read the piece yet but re. this quote: part of the reason why centrism is failing at the moment is because it'…
  52. these hourlies are great & I'd love to read a full comic by Robyn @greenseaweed/959147158967635968
  53. "Very Slightly Red, Mostly Gray" @lorenschmidt/959889529057501186
  54. this visalization makes me feel tiny, a tiny blob of economic data and desires being used to calculate road congestion, consumption patterns, heatmaps of economic efficiency. like i'm an AI agent in a simulation game. @galka_max/957353449947107328
  55. …in reply to @v21
  56. reading this Hofstadter essay about how Google Translate lacks any understanding of the things it translates and thinking about the Terrace House fansub I just watched (with a sarky note about how the people they were translating were wrong) theatlantic.com/amp/article/551570/
  57. RT @bad_tetris: hey...did you know...if you are already a @humble subscriber...you can play a new game i made...right now ~(o_o)~ (~o_o)~…
  58. RT @jwaaaap: "lol I'm an arms manufacturer now oops 😂😂😂" @elonmusk/959555569953660928
  59. @katbamkapow @jawsew the other day I made vegan chocolate brownies (with pistachios). they were pretty good! but a bit too fluffy & crumbly. any tips?
  60. via @nachimir, this youtube video demonstrating the Boring Company's vision for the future youtu.be/QXrlRhYriN0
  61. …in reply to @v21
    this style of video is really familiar to me - because about a year ago, i made a playlist of all the design fiction videos i could find on youtube: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX0BQnJh0dEzYUHjUd9oiCxfHLCIRYUQR&disable_polymer=true
  62. …in reply to @v21
    and one thing that i learned from them is: they're genrally pretty boring. the future they project is the same as the future we have now, just with more touchscreens. we don't need more touchscreens! we have enough!
  63. …in reply to @v21
    in the case of Elon Musk's magical tunnels - let's revolutionise transport! by adding a monkeypatched solution that still lets us drive cars everywhere. i mean, this makes sense, as he also owns a car company.
  64. …in reply to @v21
    and generally these videos are made by successful companies with a similar vested interest in things being pretty much the same in the future. maybe we buy some more things (touchscreens? why not touchscreens)
  65. …in reply to @v21
    (also: quick note on the tunnels specifically: they're a stupid idea. think about the density of people that can be transported this way versus underground trains. think about which would cost more to build. also, cars are a bad idea in cities)
  66. …in reply to @v21
    closing off this thread by linking to a design fiction video that is actually... good? youtube.com/watch?v=VN3hF8dX8TM&index=25&list=PLX0BQnJh0dEzYUHjUd9oiCxfHLCIRYUQR
  67. …in reply to @jwaaaap
    @jwaaaap Elon Musk, like Richard Branson, is *great* at being given money by the government latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html
  68. …in reply to @WordMercenary
    @WordMercenary flying cars & robot butlers also look to me like the same thing? robot butlers: with technology, now *you* can afford domestic help, too flying cars: with technology, your car doesn't get stuck in traffic
  69. …in reply to @v21
    @WordMercenary (flying cars in the 50s also make more sense when you consider the progression of aviation technology at the time. see the first half of this talk: idlewords.com/talks/web_design_first_100_years.htm)
  70. RT @innesmck: hey uk friends!! for the first time, the BBC is streaming the finals of the Roller Derby World Cup, you can watch it live her…
  71. …in reply to @damonedwards
    @damonedwards @roomthily I made a tool in order to make a change in a culture, and it worked. Not within an organisation, mind.
  72. …in reply to @roomthily
    @roomthily @damonedwards for sure - the lack of an organisational context means that I had no way to compel anyone to use it - all I could do is make it and tell people it existed. and it solved problems nothing else yet had.
  73. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge I think about this all the time
  74. …in reply to @nicole_local
    @nerionaya @mcclure111 @eevee @zacaj_ I have heard and occasionally used metamour in Actual England
  75. RT @Iaurdreyfuss: my aunt read online that a golden retriever’s mouth is so gentle they can hold an egg in their mouth without cracking it…
  76. RT @SmallLebowskii: I created this 3D-rendering back in 2010 as a hommage to the good old days of DOSgaming. Modeled/rendered with 3dsmax…
  77. "It’s now understood by many couples that, to be a truly engaged partner, you need to regularly consume your partner’s content" amp.thedailybeast.com/the-new-dating-requirement-consuming-all-of-your-partners-content?ref=author&__twitter_impression=true
  78. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk I don't! will listen now. also: Rae Morris's album just dropped. it's good!
  79. …in reply to @pipedownkitty
    @kitrichardsonuk yeah, same, but after a couple of listens it feel like it might be a grower? more news as this develops.
  80. RT @hollygramazio: We've put together our 2018 pdf of real-world games that we can run at events - if you might fancy a game for a museum /…
  81. …in reply to @v21
    @kitrichardsonuk update: Lower The Tone has it's hooks in me, i think
  82. pondering setting up a Discord for CBDQ. does that make sense? if you're a CBDQ user, would you use it?
  83. …in reply to @HTHRFLWRS
    @HTHRFLWRS but in the UK it's "Where's Wally?"... Charlie "Wally" Waldo
  84. …in reply to @v21
    wait, here's a poll. would you use a CBDQ Discord?
  85. RT @slaskow: If your worst case scenario is "I'll be fine no matter what, and I have my parents to fall back on," then you are a lucky pers…
  86. RT @katbamkapow: today's lecture takeaway, side by side with the original magic the gathering cards
  87. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @nerionaya @eevee @zacaj_ while i have used it, i have never used it without feeling like i am playacting at being poly. y'know?
  88. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @nerionaya @eevee @zacaj_ in a similar way to when you use a big word you've only read and rarely said out loud and you're hoping you're using it right & that everyone is thinking "this person knows what they're talking about" (tho to be clear, i do know what it means and how to say it - but that feeling)
  89. …in reply to @pangmeli
    @pangmeli from the screenshot it was not at all clear to me that it was a restaurant
  90. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin what is sex
  91. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami it so perfectly sits between "this is awful" and "oh, i could imagine myself stressing over this"
  92. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami @beastsofbalance you didn't! ahh, but that's wonderful, though.
  93. i wrote a thing about @puptownrika's friend simulator & boredom in games v21.io/blog/friend-simulator/
  94. …in reply to @najalaise
    @najalaise @mcclure111 @eevee @squidlarkin @nerionaya @zacaj_ i grew up in south london, where people say "cuz" like they're in Shakespeare.
  95. …in reply to @v21
    a thing i did while writing this blogpost: wrote "Nina Freeman's How Do You Do It" and then amended it to "how do you Do It (Nina Freeman, Emmett Butler, Joni Kittaka and Decky Coss)". the thing where games are attributed solely to the most famous person on the team sucks.
  96. …in reply to @puptownrika
    @puptownrika thank YOU for the game!
  97. …in reply to @zerstoerer
  98. X Y Z W
  99. …in reply to @shahidkamal
    @shahidkamal S T P Q (?!? I have never used this)
  100. …in reply to @undefined
    @ms45 oh no
  101. RT @MOOMANiBE: realtalk I would love to see a design writeup on the ways games deliberately prevent us from having empathy for our enemies…
  102. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin for real, these might be neat for a Work Thing. if they somehow ship in a week (unlikely?)
  103. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate I never realised why I've never really pushed for PCG on a game I've worked on with other people. But now I get why.
  104. RT @hunicke: 🌟 To start, your design toolbox is empty. 🌟 Then you pack it with experience & mistakes! 🌟 These create stories to share…
  105. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia nah mate, Floyd-Steinberg or don't even bother
  106. RT @bonaneh: The whole "women and non-binary" thing feels like the "multi-faith class" in catholic schools
  107. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia so austere!
  108. …in reply to @ragekit
    @ragekit @LorenzoPilia this is interesting! I once tried to make something Floyd-Steinberg like by accumulating error in another texture, but never got it working
  109. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia ah, the scribbly little sand-grain texture is so evocative up close, though! Bayer gives up it's secrets too easily.
  110. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt @ragekit (untagging Lorenzo, though maybe he's into this chat?) Bayer-likes the answer is clearly yes? I mean, any evenly distributed random noise would work okay. Error accumulating - idk. I guess there's not even really a base pattern?
  111. …in reply to @ragekit
    @ragekit yeah, FS just doesn't work calculated pixel-by-pixel. It also looks weird/noisy done on animated stuff, as there's no consistency frame-by-frame. I remember that post on Obra Dinn's spherical dither maps, will have to have a play at some point.
  112. …in reply to @undefined
    @digitalsqand @lorenschmidt @ragekit oh! that's neat. (most times I've looked at this has been for real time stuff, so I've not played with error diffusion much)
  113. …in reply to @v21
  114. …in reply to @lorenschmidt
    @lorenschmidt @digitalsqand @ragekit I think that's just using the standard Bayer!
  115. i am enjoying following this court case @sarahjeong/960977929374068736
  116. RT @pangmeli: likewise lots of kids I know tell me they're being taught 'to code' - I worry that it's a coding-education bubble, in which w…
  117. …in reply to @pangmeli
    @pangmeli on the one hand, it beats learning how to use Excel in classes. on the other hand... wait, I did some work in a spreadsheet this afternoon, I guess that was relevant.
  118. …in reply to @v21
    related: yakshaves dot com (yakshaves.com)
  119. RT @ContentEngage: you’ve built a solid
  120. sure do feel glad to live in London @navalang/960636274884321281
  121. RT @muclorty: 🔷 I'm excited to announce that Dissembler, my newest puzzle invention, will launch on iOS and PC on Feb 22nd! 🔶 https://t.co/…
  122. RT @runDRG:
  123. …in reply to @puptownrika
    @puptownrika @desktopmetaphor oh! this is really neat!
  124. …in reply to @puptownrika
  125. …in reply to @b0rk
    @b0rk youtu.be/KwH6MqBhdsg here is a talk I'm very proud of (but I'm also capable of giving less conceptual ones)
  126. I'm not saying this would work on me (it would totally work on me) @kcimc/961152298977316864
  127. …in reply to @v21
    honestly my reaction would be : oooh! they sent a driver?? fancy!
  128. bot of the day: @doodlegamebot a little squiggle for you to build from!
  129. RT @doodlegamebot: save one of these doodles, make it into a drawing without erasing or undoing anything, and reply to the tweet with it! a…
  130. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern this phone is new and I like it a lot
  131. …in reply to @kittaveli
    @kittaveli pls send the honk, we'll see if we can find a home for it in the game somewhere
  132. …in reply to @tha_rami
    @tha_rami i like that i scanned the features list and i felt small spikes of excitement at the keywords "graphs" and "heatmaps"
  133. …in reply to @deer_ful
    @deer_ful god bless Max Tundra
  134. we're looking for an assistant producer (in London, 30 days over March/April) to help us put on this festival! details: mathesonmarcault.com/index.php/jobs/
  135. RT @GreatDismal: Matte black gaffer tape has been part of the visual signature of all of the most powerful bits of undistributed future I'v…
  136. …in reply to @v21
  137. now i'm hungry for a bad pizza @dannybirchall/961234792930074625
  138. …in reply to @infovore
    @infovore he writes these every day!
  139. …in reply to @BootstrapCook
    @BootstrapCook I'm nb and I don't really know what androgyne connotes.
  140. Worth remembering that Elon Musk's wealth is to a large degree dependent on public subsidies latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html
  141. RT @frozenpandaman: I made a wiki for @cardboardcompy's game Kentucky Route Zero. Come help out and contribute! Sponsored by the Consolidat…
  142. …in reply to @v21
  143. no, *you're* feeling emotional reading this class exercise based upon a tool you built github.com/shawngraham/hist3812w18/wiki/February-7-Challenge
  144. I wish Internet Company copy could be localised away from Cutesy & Enthusiastic and into Boring.
  145. …in reply to @hondanhon
    @hondanhon if we must have billionaires, i wish they'd at least be ashamed of the vast disparity of power
  146. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge i want Aggressively Functional
  147. …in reply to @v21
    @asponge or at least to be able to turn off loading messages in Slack and Discord
  148. …in reply to @neauoire
    @neauoire @psychicteeth @asponge pls do use it & continue to evoke it!
  149. RT @sarahjeong: I think one of my favorite things about the Stroz report was forensic analysis uncovering from wiped laptops that people fr…
  150. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC @bfod @tenpn give me the wisdom to know when "just try the thing in a basic way and you'll learn a lot" is right vs when "think hard before starting down the wrong rabbithole" is right
  151. report: my hair is now long enough that it can accidentally go in my mouth because of wind and reach far enough down to hit my throat 👍
  152. this... might be happening? @lizardengland/961312451093565443
  153. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi @mathmarcault i am GETTING HYPED
  154. …in reply to @hardmaru
    @hardmaru that's why i'm mad - it's a symbol of private interests becoming more important than collaborative work in space, a symbol of billionaires becoming ever more powerful
  155. …in reply to @v21
    @hardmaru stupid jokes i'm 100% on board with - but i want it to be scientists and artists and normal people making the stupid jokes, not just incredibly wealthy dudes
  156. RT @HiRISEBot: Russell Crater dunes - uahirise.org/ESP_019861_1255
  157. RT @ID_AA_Carmack: Visiting NASA yesterday to see what they are doing with VR, one of the interesting points is that they are in the proces…
  158. …in reply to @Isinlor
  159. …in reply to @Isinlor
    @Isinlor @hardmaru i mean, if i was in charge there's a number of things i'd do differently - but Elon Musk is definitely not a self-made man.
  160. …in reply to @OverlandGame
    @OverlandGame this looks nice! i know for Beasts cuts work fine - we do a whole sequence within the cut & hide some other extra elements (like other beasts) within the cut. but definitely have to do a bunch of tweaking with timing & sequences
  161. …in reply to @Isinlor
    @Isinlor I'm capable of being mad on a systemic and individual level at once, thank you very much
  162. this is difficult maths, but ends with some insights about what "normal" feels like, and why it's so rare. "The center is all alike, but every corner is a corner in its own way" beta.observablehq.com/@tophtucker/theres-plenty-of-room-in-the-corners
  163. …in reply to @v21
    I was just saying the other day about how surprisingly useful being comfortable with high dimensional state spaces is.
  164. too lazy to reach for my bag to get my laptop to check a thing on Discord: guess I'll just install it on my phone instead
  165. …in reply to @v21
    Installing: Discord You Might Also Like: Ugandan Knuckles
  166. …in reply to @v21
    sometimes people say "burn down the games industry", and I get why, but I think there's a lot that's worthwhile, a lot that's neglected, and it's generally redeemable. but right now: burn it down
  167. …in reply to @v21
    (update: i logged in, i saw the thing, it restored my joy and optimism about the potential of interactive media of all forms & then i got my laptop out because i couldn't be arsed to respond on a phone keyboard)
  168. …in reply to @v21
  169. what would you put into space as a test mass? (constraints: 50% chance it blows up, no choice over the orbits, has to stay in one piece to not junk up space too much)
  170. …in reply to @spacefinner
    @spacefinner just a single saxophone? the more I think about it the funnier that is
  171. …in reply to @CannoliCamo
    @keanferin don't scatter dumplings all over the space! so untidy!
  172. …in reply to @v21
    First thought: I reckon I would find it generally calming to know there's a Barbara Hepworth up there, looking after us.
  173. bot of the day: @bats_london reminding you there are bats out there
  174. WARNING: // Be noted that your car battery will re-spawn back to garage, and your cigarette inventory will reset to 20. (from steamcommunity.com/games/mysummercar/announcements/detail/3012206080604171497)
  175. …in reply to @iainl7
    @iainl7 there's not enough sculpture designed for space (ie, without a implicit "down" within their design)
  176. …in reply to @iainl7
    @iainl7 god, yes, that would be amazing
  177. RT @iainl7: @v21 Between that and the requirement to get it through the launch without wibbling about or breaking, I'm thinking a Rachel Wh…
  178. current status: other people in the studio have a stressful deadline they're racing against, so we're listening to some tense business funk. meanwhile, I'm learning how to use punctuation primarily to make Alexa pause at the right time in sentences
  179. …in reply to @mildlydiverting
    @mildlydiverting @iainl7 oh! that would be a very funny joke
  180. RT @Oujevipo: Whenever I got to pick my character in a video game as a kid, I always picked « the girl », you know, because there was usual…
  181. …in reply to @dinosaurrparty
    @dinosaurrparty if you've got free time in London, let's hang!
  182. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw the housewives bit in that is awful, but it is a problem how difficult it's getting to find the original source of a thing online
  183. …in reply to @ohhoe
    @ohhoe oh, I know what I'm gonna do for my birthday party this year, cheers
  184. RT @topherflorence: all of my snackfluence metrics indicate that generation z craves vlogabble experiences which is why we also offer indiv…
  185. @kitrichardsonuk it has come to my attention that @yosoymichael/962057661905698817
  186. i assume this is the earliest known animation: @muckymaiya/961974922833776640
  187. …in reply to @v21
    update: people are playing! every day, there's 5 or more replies, building on the same squiggle. it's v cute!
  188. RT @jekbradbury: @seb_ruder That's not the latest adaptive learning rate method any more 😉, the latest adaptive learning rate method is Ada…
  189. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek @TGF_William I reckon I'd reduce the fifth week down to getting only one released properly. Still plenty hectic enough!
  190. RT @Draknek: Draknek university - 5 week intensive course Week 1 - Bitsy - Make a world with three or more distint-feeling areas (pixel art…
  191. RT @Draknek: Week 3 - PuzzleScript - Make a block-pushing puzzle game with at least ten levels (game design, level design) Week 4 - Pico 8…
  192. RT @Draknek: Week 5 - itch.io - Finish those games to releasable quality and upload them with blurbs/trailers (marketing, P…
  193. …in reply to @tigershungry
    @tigershungry @JoLammert @Dick_Hogg this is even more special to watch having recently watched some berk with a cameraphone see how they make beigels on Brick Lane youtube.com/watch?v=CJrYzmVuG4E
  194. RT @GIFmodel: An Infinite Séance 3 Infinite loop, infinite scrolling, numbered days aiai.icaboston.org/artist_projects/olia_lialina with 💙 and respect to @a_antone…
  195. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek @TGF_William yeah, definitely worth throwing them all up to the public, but I'd tell people to spend the week polishing & then making a good looking itch.io page, collating assets, making a press pack, a trailer, nice gifs, emailing people etc etc. lots to learn!
  196. graph of distance to entrance
  197. …in reply to @bonzrat
    @bonzrat I was Not Into It for the pilot, but charmed and onboard after a few more episodes got me into the swing of it. Don't think it's got a laugh out of me, mind.
  198. …in reply to @ashleytwo
    @ashleytwo it is!
  199. nice shout out to Wild Rumpus in this piece! @WSJ/962071154818084867
  200. RT @mrsambarlow: Who would be dumb enough to make a choice based story without choices? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @verge/961970479249620994
  201. …in reply to @HTHRFLWRS
    @HTHRFLWRS is this... is this a sex fantasy reference?
  202. …in reply to @v21
    @HTHRFLWRS because i literally got my physical copy of it off the shelf to check that line
  203. …in reply to @mousefountain
    @mousefountain what horror
  204. …in reply to @mousefountain
  205. …in reply to @HTHRFLWRS
    @HTHRFLWRS i have the opposite reaction more often
  206. …in reply to @Citrushistrix
  207. 10 minutes ago: okay, let's get this bit of work finished in time to go out now:
  208. i hate that there's a widely used dataset for machine learning that is pictures of celebrity faces
  209. …in reply to @v21
    (why? because we are training foundational models of "what a human face looks like" on faces that are a) photoshopped b) taken in specific contexts and c) of people who generally conform to very normative standards of beauty, d) also there's a ton of age & race & gender stuff)
  210. …in reply to @v21
    we're fighting the battle to see clearly in the here-and-now, and meanwhile computer scientists are busy building our current problems into the foundations of the future. fuck the CelebA dataset.
  211. remember to write your manifesto this weekend! itch.io/jam/manifesto-jam
  212. i am having the nice consumerist feeling of really anticipating a thing i ordered from the internet arriving (a PO-35 Speak! tomorrow, most likely!)
  213. …in reply to @v21
  214. RT @claudiakincaid: The people arguing that data infrastructures cannot be discriminatory clearly do not have their eyes on the war for the…
  215. RT @markpentler: The Royal Mile, 2 minutes ago.
  216. …in reply to @RadioFreeMonad
    @DrEigenbastard I am thinking of stuff like generating asian faces paler than they are in reality (because beauty standards reward lightness)
  217. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 did they let you swap it? I mean, I actually meant Winchester (also in England)
  218. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 how extremely typical
  219. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 I am hopeful that things are slowly improving here - thinking about new/hot languages having increasingly better focus on build tools/ecosystems. Of course, new tools will make new mistakes, but at least they're trying for consistency.
  220. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 work means I am learning a lot about the JS ecosystem right now, and... yeah. There is a lot to learn. Rust is definitely the more hopeful example here (with it's commitment to stability & trying to have one base standard)
  221. RT @molleindustria: hi twitter just dropping by to say that my first flash game from 2003 still runs perfectly on a browser but my html5 ga…
  222. learning how to make a thing that won't need maintenance is a neglected skill @vectorpark/962744235446427649
  223. …in reply to @v21
    most programming advice & frameworks assumes you have a team, that the thing you're making is bringing in money to pay for constant work on it
  224. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 yeah, I'm not so much advocating for Rust specifically, as much as the way they treat tooling & community as important as the actual language. more of that! (i am hopeful we will see more of that)
  225. …in reply to @v21
    technology that has worked reliably for me: writing HTML by hand jQuery PHP MySQL JS (without any frameworks or build steps) the Canvas API Flash cron
  226. twitter is a weird place
  227. …in reply to @undefined
    @kimadactl yeah, i use it for my site. very pleased at how little work it's needed- shame about the bar of technical expertise needed to use them
  228. …in reply to @v21
    here's another class i'd like to take github.com/tchoi8/teachingasart2018
  229. RT @hondanhon: A good read: “Panicked about Kids’ Addiction to Tech?”by @zephoria has two pieces of practical advice for parents. https://t…
  230. …in reply to @JHellings
    @JHellings @kimadactl markdown is harder to learn than WPs visual editor. hosting image files is a pain. understanding the magic that happens when you upload something/trigger the generator is hard. previewing a post non-publicly is hard. these are surmountable problems, but we're not there yet.
  231. free business idea: a company that makes CRT monitors, bowling alley machines and vinyl pressing machinery
  232. RT @emshort: Instead of Power: I write about The Last Jedi, gender, and alternatives to oppressive systems emshort.blog/2018/02/11/instead-of-power/ https://…
  233. RT @GIFmodel: Self-Portrait, 2018 olia.lialina.work/ i hope you will make an effort to see it! 🙏⚓️
  234. RT @TomChatfield: On social media as in warfare? In situations where swearing is standard, its absence suggests true trouble is afoot—a lov…
  235. RT @ellle_em: OKAY AS PROMISED!!! Here is a thread on WEIRD CEPHALOPOD BEHAVIOR that would ALSO make good worldbuilding details for SF/F b…
  236. …in reply to @undefined
    @AOsher @oopsohno i'm here to defend twitter threads that grow slowly over weeks, months and years
  237. …in reply to @undefined
    @AOsher @oopsohno like, a daily thread of stuff we're putting in Now Play This worked real well last time & I was thinking to do the same thing this year. of course we'll have a blogpost, too... but it's a different thing! make stuff that interestingly works with the grain of the platform yr on.
  238. …in reply to @undefined
    @katelosse @lifewinning remembering the awful "beat up Anita Sarkeesian" flash games
  239. hey guys i just discovered a really good tool for making interactive demos! it's.... Keynote (yes, i've heard about this many times before. but this is my first time actually building something in it. lives up to the hype!)
  240. …in reply to @BreakinBahiyya
    @BreakinBahiyya 100% my thought when i saw this
  241. …in reply to @obtusatum
    @obtusatum set document type to links only, set up links between slides. can mock up ui/play audio/show movies on each slide.
  242. …in reply to @beaugunderson
    @beaugunderson this is such good technical writing
  243. …in reply to @v21
  244. …in reply to @v21
    now i'm letting myself read these other manifestos... there are some real good manifestos in here.
  245. RT @mikeryan: I interviewed Paul Rudd earlier today. I really tried my best to get an AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR scoop.
  246. RT @FakeUnicode: Supposedly the motivation behind the Chrome ink skipping is to help expose Unicode phishing URLs...? https://t.co/Nzvi8t8K…
  247. …in reply to @v21
  248. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb you know what i'm talking about!!!
  249. RT @Thairyn: 👏 gender is not the only inclusion issue in games and please don't try stand up as a wholly diverse platform if it's the only…
  250. …in reply to @mjmcmaster
    @mjmcmaster @netgal_emi ah, i love this! and i say this as someone who published a manifesto arguing (among other things) that the point of making games was to influence other games v21.itch.io/a-manifesto-of-creative-acts
  251. …in reply to @netgal_emi
  252. "You're anthropomorphising the abyss as something necessarily startling or threatening or unfamiliar or subversive, but it's just THERE, Weepy! If I saw the abyss I'd say "Look, it's my good friend, Sonic"." harmonyzone.org/ManifestoJam/TenManifestosForGroupsOfNoPeople.html
  253. …in reply to @v21
    "Where choice in videogames survived at all it was mostly as a handful of hyper-reified, hyper-atomised pseudo-decisions, of picking discrete options among a handful of more or less interchangeable prefab content blocks - which is more or less what happened in real life as well"
  254. RT @hollygramazio: wrote a pretty reasonable games manifesto for @netgal_emi's manifesto jam holly.itch.io/fleeting-nature-of-time a whole six hours befo…
  255. RT @tithenai: Hey if you're still nominating stuff for the Nebulas please allow me to recommend Rebecca Roanhorse's "Welcome to Your Authen…
  256. The Floor Is Jelly has a bunch of neat levels & a rich lush feeling of calm few games can match. recommended. good frogs @whatisian/963490962558169088
  257. Mild Rumpus returns to GDC! Come see our games & marvel at the increasingly specific theming we're going for (this time: the back garden of your aunt's bungalow) @WildRumpus/963485819427311619
  258. …in reply to @v21
    also, I totally edited up this trailer! check my absolutely competent editing skills! vimeo.com/255566819 (@angusdick did the animations, @joelcorelitz did the track)
  259. …in reply to @v21
    (although I won't be going to GDC booo. but if you are, say hi to/leave stickers with my fellow Rumpeteers)
  260. …in reply to @ohhoe
    @ohhoe Me too!
  261. …in reply to @LorenzoPilia
    @LorenzoPilia ah, so glad you could put that bit from thecatamites in there!
  262. I am so happy about Manifesto Jam.
  263. RT @tigershungry: Happy Pancake Day everyone youtu.be/wg8YYuLLoM0
  264. RT @cafefiction: For now I'm just going to say that this is my #ManifestoJam submission without submitting it. skfb.ly/6wDSC
  265. …in reply to @mjmcmaster
    @mjmcmaster @netgal_emi hahah. i ultimately don't think i'm naturally suited to manifesto writing, too afraid of the bold statement i already know the exceptions to (which is where a bold proposal like yours and Holly's comes in handy)
  266. …in reply to @v21
  267. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @tomslominski the main difference for me between Python/Lua & JS/PHP is that JS/PHP is much easier to deploy. it's just a file in a place and something added to some HTML and then it works
  268. …in reply to @v21
    @mcclure111 @tomslominski i don't think Lua or Python is worse for beginning coders - if you're either writing a console script (unlikely?), an interactive notebook (for scientists), or already have a good game engine setup with Lua hooked up nicely (see Pico-8 and I'm sure a bunch of mod tools). rarer.
  269. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 @tomslominski i thought about the fact that i am currently the sole developer of a medium-sized Typescript project and now i have a headache
  270. RT @maxkreminski: tiny manifesto for #ManifestoJam
  271. …in reply to @maxkreminski
  272. …in reply to @v21
    @maxkreminski "where ? does it fit ? into the player's life ???" yell it from the rooftops! yes!
  273. this is a phone i bought in 2018 and i just entered a code full of hashes into the dialler and it brought up a secret menu that had my imsi & other inscrutable settings. this continuity with my very first nokia is very pleasing.
  274. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin it is very cool; you are very cool
  275. …in reply to @v21
    i have a "mi a1" and now i have gorillaz in my head
  276. …in reply to @v21
    it's all very turn of the millenium over here
  277. honestly I was stuck for a while to say something more than @bombsfall/569072652096286720 #ManifestoJam
  278. RT @waypoint: .@patrickklepek’s work doesn’t exist without the support of fans. How much does he owe them? bit.ly/2BrT6Oq https://…
  279. RT @G2Institute: I'm going to write a book on the emerging field of Gremlins 2 Studies. A kickstarter or patreon goes against the "open acc…
  280. RT @JaneCaseyAuthor: Just been at a birds of prey display that began with the handler saying, ‘I don’t know why I’m doing this; she’s not f…
  281. hot take: one of the biggest problems with speech synthesis is that the output stresses the wrong words - either you need to do elaborate and delicate annotation or machines need to have something like a sense of the meaning of what they read
  282. …in reply to @v21
  283. …in reply to @garblefart
    @garblefart most of them, i think! but i'm more talking about word stresses than phoneme level stresses
  284. …in reply to @v21
    @garblefart <phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="təmei̥ɾou̥"> tomato </phoneme>
  285. …in reply to @lazerwalker
    @lazerwalker so i mean also i've been playing around with <emphasis> just now and i dunno if it's because i lack practice or it's an even harder problem, but i still can't make the stresses work out
  286. …in reply to @v21
    @lazerwalker like i need subtler graduations of intensity, ramps and curves and whatnot. or just rephrase the sentence so the output sounds alright. mainly that last one.
  287. this is a whole aesthetic @crystamined/963448522103246848
  288. that salon mining thing is pushing me to install an ad blocker, tbh
  289. RT @tigershungry: Happy Valentines Day everyone youtu.be/iq5hlQYhpv4
  290. …in reply to @jericawebber
    @jawsew i'm just seeing an ad for a divorce lawyer
  291. …in reply to @v21
    @jawsew which is ... appropriate?
  292. RT @hardmaru: neural network diagrams
  293. RT @elmyra: Hey so who's been watching the winter Olympics and wants me to talk about docile, socially constructed bodies and why no women…
  294. I was really tired, and now I've eaten a salad I'm still really tired! I'm not sure why I was expecting it to do anything, tbh.
  295. a nice thing about valentine's day this year is there's lots of poems on twitter
  296. god, is there anything as charming as an earnest fan translation interrupting itself to explain something to you?
  297. what up, all those people out there with more RAM than they do free storage space on the device they're currently reading this tweet on!
  298. …in reply to @Nothke
    @Nothke good colours
  299. …in reply to @fernantastic
  300. RT @mcclure111: OK so the thing is the PS1 had a slightly-unique form of dithering and the N64 had a slightly-unique form of bilinear upsca…
  301. this article is amazing - delving into the roots of Doki Doki Literature Club. We are so bad at paying attention to our past, beyond the few obvious examples we hear about endlessly. waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/kzp7gy/doki-doki-literature-club-history-visual-novels?utm_source=wptwitterus
  302. my desk is covered in bags of bottlecaps, tiddlywink counters, playing cards from a christmas cracker, a prosecco cork... it's fun that this is my job
  303. RT @vivschwarz: Finding it really hard to warm to any game that starts out with a sack of tiny wooden people and then they don't get on. I…
  304. …in reply to @golan
    @golan @RLukeDuBois give us a few months :) but more usefully: amazon.co.uk/Zhenhua-Meow/dp/B01GOSN706
  305. RT @potch: @gauntface it’s oral tradition! The whole history of browsers is sent with ever http request in their honor.
  306. here's a boat vesselfinder.com/?imo=9339662 it's got thousands of copies of beasts of balance on it (still weird)
  307. RT @kellyoshea: At the start of the year, I used roles in small group work [skeptic (does this make sense? why?), equalizer (is everyone on…
  308. …in reply to @loganbonner
    @loganbonner @twoscooters @PotatoMonthly those are biscuits
  309. these two articles are a really clear articulation on technological ethics (and what the icky feeling the Center for Humane Tech gives me is about). we should focus on process not outcomes; business models, not UX thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2018/02/09/the-center-for-humane-technology-doesnt-want-your-attention/ thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2018/02/15/the-center-does-not-want-your-attention-ii-on-time-well-spent/
  310. …in reply to @loganbonner
  311. …in reply to @SaraSoueidan
    @SaraSoueidan SVG is so good and so bad, all at the same time... I keep applying it to problems and it keeps working, but it keeps causing new and ever more intricate problems
  312. been waiting for @merrittk's expose on the Great Ape War for a while kotaku.com/the-donkey-kong-timeline-is-truly-disturbing-1823035151
  313. huh, this is baasically great news, but i'm a tiny bit sad because i've never liked ProBuilder & prefer CabreCSG (which has boolean brushes) blogs.unity3d.com/2018/02/15/probuilder-joins-unity-offering-integrated-in-editor-advanced-level-design/
  314. …in reply to @v21
    built in greyboxing tools in Unity are a huge deal, a big improvement in Unity workflow making sense out of the box. i hope the Pro___ ecosystem improves as it dissolves into Unity proper
  315. …in reply to @v21
    also, i'm a fan of Unity acquiring the people who make the defacto standard assets on the asset store, instead of just building their features into the engine and putting them out of business (do SVG importing next, c'mon...)
  316. …in reply to @GRIMECRAFT
    @GRIMECRAFT @Famitory the Echo & Echo Dot both have headphone jacks! also you can generate arbitrary Alexa voice if you set up a skill & go to the online test platform for it on the Amazon Dev Center.
  317. …in reply to @v21
    @GRIMECRAFT @Famitory tbh, give me some text and I'm happy to get you a mp3
  318. …in reply to @ksheely
    @ksheely apparently it is very likely people have fucked in space (a couple went up, once). so I would be extremely surprised if no one had.
  319. …in reply to @dzifyr
    @dzifyr @Gib @Oujevipo ohhh, the generative witches are back!
  320. …in reply to @dreamfeelx
    @dreamfeelx I was obsessed with Song 2 long before I'd ever heard of Blur
  321. …in reply to @dreamfeelx
    @dreamfeelx maths implies I was 12
  322. RT @andreysitnik: 1990s, MIT Wearable Computing Project
  323. …in reply to @RealSteveCox
    @RealSteveCox @ResonanceRPG @FatherFlipper @gar1gun @BooRadleyHere @everywhereist @antonydb @GrimJacc @BarbaraLNewsome I'm in the UK, and you can't buy those easily here, either.
  324. …in reply to @RealSteveCox
  325. …in reply to @RealSteveCox
    @RealSteveCox @ResonanceRPG @FatherFlipper @gar1gun @BooRadleyHere @everywhereist @antonydb @GrimJacc @BarbaraLNewsome p sure you need a rifle license to buy that!
  326. …in reply to @RealSteveCox
    @RealSteveCox where are you reading that? it says FFL, but that only means anything in the US.
  327. …in reply to @v21
    @RealSteveCox I'd also point out that all the other parts are also classified as "components", and require a firearms license.
  328. …in reply to @RealSteveCox
    @RealSteveCox no, it's not pretty easy to import firearms parts here. and... change that law, too? nothing fundamental in defining a gun as the lower receiver.
  329. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin hate hate hate when there's so much "inspiring ppl to be interested in an area" it blocks out any actual interesting stuff about that area
  330. …in reply to @v21
    @Coleo_Kin even if you weren't already into it - maybe you would be if it just seemed interesting and not something someone had to sell you on!
  331. wtf is this, this is disgusting @patrickashe/964443162893840384
  332. exciting post!
  333. …in reply to @v21
    thinking of starting up with doing more the machine gently stutters again...
  334. …in reply to @Norgg
    @Norgg @aparrish not a million miles away, tbh
  335. weirdly this didn't & doesn't make me mad, but i was remembering it recently: talking to a teacher as we walked along, he calmly said "i argued to kick you out for sixth form, but the physics department all love you". idk. he was bitter, so i wasn't. @PuccaNoodles/964303347166560257
  336. piece on Alexa games (including When In Rome, which I'm working on) up on cnet: cnet.com/news/amazon-alexa-in-toys-games-and-how-the-smart-assistant-is-changing-playtime/
  337. …in reply to @v21
    if anyone wants to chat about voice UI/games etc stuff, v much up for that
  338. …in reply to @Fortress_Inman
    @Fortress_Inman oh! interesting!
  339. …in reply to @prehensile
    @prehensile hahaha. no, the message came through clearly, it'd be good to chat some time (I knew you had been into that stuff from Tim, actually)
  340. …in reply to @prehensile
    @prehensile @BenGBarker oh, cool! yeah, definitely do
  341. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate oh, yeah, i remember! maybe we should plan a Skype at some point and just generally catch up with stuff?
  342. RT @komiya_ma: 刺繍を始めてちょうど1年経ったのを、オオミズアオが完成したとこで思い出す。作品はのべ10個くらいになるので、今年はもう少したくさん作れるようになりたい。モチーフは今のところ8割方「昆虫」であるが、ひと段落したら違うテーマにも行ってみたい。 http…
  343. RT @Atrioc: -> Facebook wants fewer "meme" images, changes algorithm to favor video. -> Meme pages turn images into long static videos. -…
  344. RT @himawari8bot: 2018-02-16T14:20:00
  345. …in reply to @lizzywanders
  346. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin remember making an imagemap webpage to sell some canvas belts i painted letters onto with acrylic paint
  347. the most famous person on a project gets the majority of the credit
  348. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin I made one for myself that quoted a quote from a gameboy emulator, and I thought it was pretty cool and maybe someone else would want one
  349. …in reply to @v21
    @Coleo_Kin iirc, the website looked pretty sweet! I might even still have the belt
  350. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin god, i can't remember it exactly. it was a message no$gmb showed when it quit. that was a rip from a song, that i didn't know at the time???
  351. …in reply to @unfortunatalie
  352. …in reply to @ojahnn
    @ojahnn I can't wait for oulipo's fix
  353. …in reply to @v21
    @Coleo_Kin @netgal_emi wow, the rare double fav
  354. …in reply to @netgal_emi
    @netgal_emi @Coleo_Kin don't steal this from me
  355. RT @OminousZoom: zooooooooom
  356. …in reply to @v21
    update: turns out i was getting sick! *cough cough cough*
  357. You+Pea, Backup City Afterburn youandpea.com/backupcity-afterburn
  358. …in reply to @fernantastic
  359. remember when I was cool? @joonturbo/964906462957973505
  360. RT @sarahjeong: Twitter is where "regular people" see the "outrage mob" burst out in the open, so they assume that that's where it happens.…
  361. …in reply to @beckwig
    @beckwig hi there
  362. I love Bug Boys. Maybe I'll spend the evening rereading it. @puppytube/964951198636716032
  363. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions @Pocket til the favicons stop fitting
  364. this thread (these yarns) are beautiful! @JanelleCShane/964937154416619520
  365. …in reply to @v21
    I love a project where a machine generates something and a person takes care of it and makes sense of it.
  366. RT @GalaxyKate: Ok but this as a manifesto for how to make interactive software @v21/964966955613671424
  367. …in reply to @v21
    I'm a mess "I think all bugs deserve sunlight & friends. And to eat good things. And to sleep in on Saturdays. To be basically happy."
  368. unintentional harmful side effects can be mitigated with better, more thoughtful design. but designers at companies are subordinate to business models and objectives, and good design can't save us if the incentives for the company aren't aligned with what's best for us.
  369. RT @sarahjeong: Everyone loves to shit on trust & safety at these platforms but whenever I have an off-the-record conversation with the fol…
  370. …in reply to @v21
    this would be a nice thing for a videogame to do. a big world map, and you can only ever see a small fragment of it.
  371. RT @KateClanchy1: Some fifteen year olds just don't want another well-meaning educational intervention. They want to be the moon, and there…
  372. …in reply to @expdotzine
    @expdotzine yeah! but that was more lore than in-game map.
  373. RT @kcimc: i just saw the most absurd and incredible performance integrating vr, “zoo” by @shinodachr + others. more videos on my ig story…
  374. …in reply to @naomialderman
    @naomialderman I have sex worker friends and I would not describe their motivations as "desperation". Like, yes, they are often living precarious lives, and doing a sometimes unpleasant and contingent job to get by... but the #1 complaint I've heard is the amount of emailing/admin needed.
  375. RT @DCentralized: CIA: Russia. Is very bad. Must be stop. Media: Ok but WE don't mess with other people's elections right???? CIA: wellllll…
  376. RT @kcimc: the band above, akb48, is interesting for a number of reasons. in 2011 they created a synthetic member "aimi eguchi" combining a…
  377. RT @unicode_garden: 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷…
  378. RT @thecreativeindp: Björk recommends: "Bicycling fast on the beach with all your playlists on shuffle really loud early in the morning…
  379. RT @fugazi420: OH MY GOD @beastsofbalance !!! we got EVERY PIECE stacked and lost NO ANIMALS EITHER!!!! finally!!!!! @kittaveli i can’t bel…
  380. RT @tambourine: "For every futuristic skyscraper, there’s a mine someplace where the ore used to build that structure was taken out of the…
  381. …in reply to @BrianLeeWow
    @BrianLeeWow @pangmeli here is the wikipedia page for the island from which all the curling stones have their granite "harvested" from en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ailsa_Craig
  382. …in reply to @v21
  383. RT @mousefountain: As I learn how complicated scoping a game is I consider more and more limited settings for future projects. Next: a sing…
  384. RT @lifewinning: @buileshuibhne It seems like the only recourse to get platforms to care or act is bad press? I think a lot about this stor…
  385. this is a sweet little deceptively-expansive twine about talking to a songbird that sits on your window one day everydaylouie.itch.io/conversations-with-a-songbird
  386. I keep thinking about how one of the most important news stories of our time was lurking underneath a thousand bad arguments in the comments section of news articles
  387. …in reply to @v21
    anything studied in enough depth turns out to be fascinating
  388. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek Internet Research Agency/Russian social media manipulation
  389. …in reply to @Draknek
    @Draknek no, but, like... it implies it could've, if someone had decided to really dig in
  390. i hoped i was well enough to do useful things today, but i've had some toast and assembled a very simple thing and i'm tired already
  391. RT @davidmackau: Here’s What It’s Like At The Headquarters Of The Teens Working To Stop Mass Shootings buzzfeed.com/remysmidt/heres-what-its-like-at-the-headquarters-of-the-teens?utm_term=.jxwR1WVYWq via @remysmi…
  392. perfect gift for any gamer @LCPSHOPNET/965941813432512513
  393. this is a perfect demonstration of how to test for object permanence @BabyAnimalPics/965400854571442176
  394. RT @AyeshaASiddiqi: if you follow me you know I love student movements and I under stand being encouraged by the parkland high schoolers I…
  395. do people ask authors* why they didn't make a videogame instead? (* of, like, very convoluted non-linear narratives, or egregious 4th wall breaking, or practical exercises with answers at the back, maybe)
  396. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge when you've got a hammer, every problem looks like a shed
  397. i should make a thing for making bots that just repost particular searches twitter.com/search?q=%22first%20of%20all%2C%20big%20mood%22&src=typd
  398. …in reply to @aidowall
  399. …in reply to @v21
  400. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall @roisinkiberd maybe it would be less suspicious if it was less authentic?
  401. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
  402. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin okay but i have a podcast where i read generative poetry, and this calls to me
  403. bot of the day: @unfamiliar_city invented places, invented languages a fixed seed and careful phonological derivations
  404. …in reply to @undefined
    @digitalsqand you knows it!
  405. …in reply to @Coleo_Kin
    @Coleo_Kin duty free art? i do, unread, on my dresser. this is definitely motivating me!
  406. RT @angrycyberwitch: explaining my cv gap
  407. RT @flashboy: The government: you have been held as a slave by human traffickers Also the government: yeah but slavery technically doesn't…
  408. tickets for Now Play This are now on sale! 6-8th April, Somerset House, a lot of good things to see and play somersethouse.org.uk/whats-on/now-play-this-2018
  409. RT @sarahjeong: For me, the post-Weinstein moment—and its now-growing backlash—coincided with reporting a story that required countless int…
  410. RT @hideous_pizza: tfw you understand your enemies
  411. I have been really enjoying @tambourine's tweeting and posting and generally taking very seriously Due South. And this post I find particularly affecting: alwaysalreadyangry.tumblr.com/post/171113122577/due-south-easy-money-easy-money-a-really
  412. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine thank you for your detailed work on the Due South series
  413. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 have you ever used Boo? This is basically how it felt to use (also, python style syntax)
  414. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 yeah. (they only offered support because they used Boo to write JavaScript/UnityScript, now also very much deprecated) here's the relevant bit: github.com/boo-lang/boo/wiki/Duck-Typing
  415. photoshop is the burin of the internet age
  417. RT @_dte: What Making Bread Has Taught Me About Design Systems: Nothing. Sometimes it’s nice just to have a hobby.
  418. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge oh god, I always imagined it that first way, but I bet it was the second. THANKS ALICE
  419. …in reply to @asponge
    @asponge crusty bits in the corners dug out last
  420. Still sad Annihilation isn't making it to cinemas in the UK
  421. RT @litpatches_txt: Plath's The Bell Jar but with the ability to perform double jumps, run along walls, and slow down time.
  422. RT @pangmeli: it's not just your 20s that don't matter. your 30s don't matter either. or your 40s. there's actually *no* period in which th…
  423. …in reply to @rumorsmatrix
    @rumorsmatrix first come first served, but those are per account
  424. RT @tw_overton: 'he sees little to admire and much to deplore in the events of the past; he effects to have no heroes and I should like him…
  425. "in Character Lists, The Body" @Miexriir/966375811031937024
  426. RT @benswinden: i am the son of a geologist and i have brought his important work into the new era by rendering good looking rocks in my vi…
  427. …in reply to @Thairyn
  428. …in reply to @Thairyn
    @Thairyn oh my goodness the punchline to the line "let my vagina have a monologue"
  429. …in reply to @mattperspective
    @mattperspective @imjayhay "she" or "they"
  430. …in reply to @v21
    @mattperspective also I am pretty sure I do know those feelings and it's still a stupid idea to mortgage your house for them
  431. …in reply to @mattperspective
    @mattperspective read the article, or even the full quoted segment. no, it wasn't just them.
  432. …in reply to @mattperspective
    @mattperspective again, if you're going to talk about context, please give Maja the respect of assuming she had an input into this decision
  433. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennfrankgames would you like some recommendations for email newsletters?
  434. …in reply to @undefined
    @jennfrankgames I enjoy: Joanne McNeil's all my stars, The Shatner Chatner (obv), larissa pham's intimacies, Pome, Matt Levine's Money Talk. I would also welcome recommendations!
  435. isn't it wild how at any moment you could fav one of your own tweets. there's a button right there. maybe I'll fav this one.
  436. …in reply to @beckwig
  437. …in reply to @beckwig
    @beckwig glad to have done my part
  438. …in reply to @undefined
    @mooonmagic procedural variation? you gradually understand more and more what's possible, but never quite all.
  439. …in reply to @xoebus
  440. …in reply to @lil_mermaid
    @lil_mermaid wait, how do you say it?
  441. RT @AnninaTu: While wandering around the Galleria dell'Accademia #Florence, I rembered about these pictures I had seen in some archival doc…
  442. …in reply to @TomNullpointer
    @TomNullpointer @patrickashe pro/con: I was planning on going, too
  443. …in reply to @bryangale
  444. Holly has written up a blog post about the ways we've tweaked this year's Now Play This - thinking about the ways we can make it a great experience if you visit for a few hours or hang out all weekend mathesonmarcault.com/index.php/2018/02/22/now-play-this-2018/
  445. RT @hollygramazio: we have ANNOUNCED most of the WORK we're showing at NOW PLAY THIS nowplaythis.net you should definitely come it…
  446. this looks amazing, well done @sharnajackson! games.london/ensemble/ UK BAME gamedevs, you might well be interested in this
  447. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine :D (you should! it'll be pretty great, if I say so myself!)
  448. …in reply to @tambourine
    @tambourine say hi when you're about!
  449. Money Stuff, answering the questions I was wondering about bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-02-23/can-kardashians-trade-on-tweets (the answer is: yeah, it seems like it'd be fine for Kylie Jenner to short Snap than send that tweet)
  450. we're hiring again! looking for a Node.js dev to come onboard for 4 months or so to help us ship what might well be the first Alexa-powered boardgame. London (or remote), immediate start, cool team (plus me) docs.google.com/document/d/1FNMNhmw3iVT-6omANyXWHExTRwB3vfO0qfEsyajd6XU/edit
  451. …in reply to @JulianKJarboe
    @JulianKJarboe not at the moment, sorry!
  452. …in reply to @v21
    DMs are open if you have questions
  453. …in reply to @mountain_ghosts
    @mountain_ghosts i am also going with "both things are bad"
  454. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx @compositeredfox @psychicteeth i have been following this for some time, and it is very good & i recommend it wholeheartedly
  455. RT @barrythrew: This lion who watched over the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra for over 2000 years was the first thing ISIS militants destro…
  456. …in reply to @MareSheppard
    @MareSheppard the slide-strangulation one happened to my brother when we were kids (scary hospital times, but he was fine)
  457. big salt crystals
  458. I got a SMS spam message offering to write a book for me?
  459. …in reply to @v21
    do I want someone to ghost write something for me? I do like bad repetitive prose...
  460. @v21_priv hello
  461. …in reply to @v21
    i am very excited about this film and trying to resist learning any more about it til i can see it.
  462. @v21_priv hello 2
  463. apologies, did an update to CBDQ and triggered some bad code with replies. on it now!
  464. @v21_priv hello test 2
  465. @v21_priv hello test 3
  466. @v21_priv hello hello
  467. @v21_priv hi hi
  468. @v21_priv hello new test
  469. …in reply to @v21
    okay, seems to be sorted! pls let me know if not!
  470. …in reply to @stefpos
    @stefpos @prehensile i am glad my fuckup is brightening your day!
  471. …in reply to @_gaeel_
    @_gaeel_ i fucked up the code! and now i've fixed it again. apologies for the disturbance
  472. …in reply to @m_u_s_h_r_o_o_m
    @m_u_s_h_r_o_o_m @shinpachibot apologies! should be fixed now. thanks for poking me
  473. …in reply to @SerinDelaunay
    @SerinDelaunay i know! sorry! should be fixed now - thanks for letting me know.
  474. …in reply to @ennispea
    @ennispea no, i broke the farts (the reply functionality). fixed now!
  475. @v21_priv hi hello
  476. …in reply to @prehensile
    @prehensile @stefpos nope! all on my end and sorted now
  477. …in reply to @v21
    @prehensile @stefpos ps you might enjoy my wallpaper
  478. …in reply to @ennispea
    @ennispea oh! thank you! i should break things more often.
  479. …in reply to @GalaxyKate
    @GalaxyKate @NTurnerGames yes, it's my fault, sorry! been doing some maintenance, and broke the reply functionality briefly
  480. RT @textfiles: It was discovered that the glass of one of the scanning machines in the @internetarchive Hong Kong scanning center was scrat…
  481. …in reply to @jazzmickle
    @jmickle_ iirc the only way to figure it out from the docs is via figuring out bitmasking
  482. polish peasants from 1600 would totally get the basic point, they had the printing press and plenty of weird cartoons with the same image + text format @DOGGEAUX/898629444457316352
  483. …in reply to @v21
  484. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC i got a PO-35 recently and now i want to make musical instruments
  485. i have stuff i need to be doing more urgently, but here i am implementing chunked media uploads to twitter...
  486. RT @Alientrap: day 1 of Modbox AR dev - Controlling Hue lights and shooting them out with a bow and arrow
  487. …in reply to @rubna_
    @rubna_ bitsy exists & doodle studio exists & the flatgame thing @ragzouken is making exists & i really wanna work on a thing & i think it's great if this exists, too
  488. …in reply to @rubna_
    @rubna_ the paintbrush/pencil logic is SO smart, wow
  489. RT @rubna_: dang just started making this & now doodle studio is out...
  490. …in reply to @ragzouken
    @ragzouken @rubna_ yeah, i also have the failure feelings, the enviousness of stuff done in a different style - but you know what's way better than a really cool tool? a community of people making really cool tools
  491. i just switched attention from twitter on my laptop screen to a different twitter window on my external monitor. how's yer sunday going, everyone?
  492. RT @zeldaGB_ebooks: Link checked the chest. Wow! This is a nice chest!
  493. …in reply to @brothboy
    @brothboy @polclarissou if you ever want an intro, pls hit me up - would love to see what you'd make with it (& doodle studio is amazing & would 100% suit yr style)
  494. RT @Info_Activism: Forensic Architecture: the detail behind the devilry theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/feb/25/forensic-architects-eyal-weizman
  495. …in reply to @pangmeli
    @pangmeli the delicate process of making placeholder stuff for games that both communicates what it needs to, but is also so obviously placeholder it's read as such, instead of a worse version of a final design
  496. RT @magpiekingdom: A thread of Weibo posters mourning the decision without a single discriminating keyword directly referencing Xi. https:/…
  497. RT @asifa_majid: This is the most wild thing I have read in a while. Lickable Cities is a research project where researchers literally lick…
  498. …in reply to @xor
    @xor i'm sad they went for the Cards Against Humanity example and not Bill Drummond chopping up A Smell Of Sulphur In The Wind theguardian.com/culture/2004/oct/22/1
  499. RT @partytimeHXLNT: i just released v1 of Astropaint, an open-source browser-based tool for making art for the bally astrocade. it exports…
  500. …in reply to @0x11eaea
  501. sneak peek of new CBDQ goodness
  502. …in reply to @v21
    mainly i've spent the weekend making the code much nicer, though. and sorting out the process where i find out about it breaking!
  503. …in reply to @v21
    i deliberately included an example URL that gives different images each time, to hint to people that that might be a cool thing to do deliberately...
  504. …in reply to @v21
    also, it turns out gif/video support is a whole other battle, and i have no more weekend to spend diving into the depths of chunked media uploads... but images are cool enough for now.
  505. …in reply to @artlung
    @artlung ah, i like that you can do that...
  506. contemplating a feature, googling for how to implement it, clicking on a Stack Overflow link, reading & comprehending all the answers, deciding it's awful and not implementing the feature
  507. CBDQ test
  508. i don't know what animal this will be
  509. …in reply to @v21
    it was a cat!
  511. i'm waiting for myself to tweet
  512. …in reply to @v21
    oh! i already have! @v21/967871866084917249
  513. …in reply to @v21
    support for directly including images is live! lemme know if anything is broken!
  514. …in reply to @v21
    also, just to be cheeky: if you want to support me spending my weekends doing this stuff, you can do so here: patreon.com/v21
  515. …in reply to @KommanderKlobb
    @KommanderKlobb i should have tested it with the "black and white" option turned on on the images
  516. why do people keep trying to make this product? it's never yet caught on... maybe if it gets cheap enough, the novelty is enough? @verge/967770686360928257
  517. @wolf_clock what's the time?
  518. god, glitch is so good... (new project incoming)
  519. new bot: @wolf_clock it usually tells you the time ...usually...
  520. …in reply to @v21
    it's a quicky to test the new CBDQ {img} functionality - it fetches a png from a Glitch app, which renders it using canvas! CBDQ source (spoilers): cheapbotsdonequick.com/source/wolf_clock Glitch source: glitch.com/edit/#!/live-clock-image?path=render_to_png.js:1:0
  521. …in reply to @Jmroberts343Jmr
    @Jmroberts343Jmr @TheParkCyclist @StopKillingCycl @DMcWilliams_UK @RPcyclists @justinmckie @McIanthe @London_Cycling @theroyalparks it seems very weird to me to characterise Strava users as not being recreational cyclists? like saying "ah, you're not running recreationally, you're checking how long you take to do a lap"
  522. a nice thread, featuring lots of tiny useful tools for botmaking @NoraReed/967908232801878017
  523. …in reply to @fernantastic
    @compositeredfox @eddiecameron awww, I missed that little fella
  524. RT @gritfish: @jazzrozz 1) My aunt lives in Queensland. 2) there are cane toads in Queensland 3) the humane way to kill cane toads is to…
  525. RT @losertakesall: bless this tiny chapbook i found in the back of a drawer at @Booksmith
  526. RT @History1History: Various military rain capes .. If this is someone’s special interest
  527. …in reply to @innesmck
    @innesmck bread : pretty good bread and butter : very good bread and butter and other stuff : too much?
  528. …in reply to @v21
  529. …in reply to @alexhern
    @alexhern me too... i am not a writer, but i have hung out with writers enough to know how hard it is to do what he does (every day!)
  530. …in reply to @v21
    if you are, like, vaguely socialist & looking for something to read to understand modern capitalism better, Money Stuff is pretty good! i love that it never takes the tone that all this is natural and inevitable and rational
  531. oh wow - the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences has an Alexa skill! oeis.org/wiki/Alexa,_ask_OEIS
  532. …in reply to @v21
    what a beautiful website
  533. RT @v21: we're hiring again! looking for a Node.js dev to come onboard for 4 months or so to help us ship what might well be the first Alex…
  534. today i learned there's a German translation of RPS: rockpapershotgun.de/
  535. RT @ihaveeczema: don't you think so too?
  536. RT @netgal_emi: This is a really interesting thread but besides that I feel the phrase "dripping with educational Utopianism distinctly fro…
  537. RT @parisreview: In the 1920 New York City directory, Josephine Nivison listed herself as an artist; her future husband, Edward Hopper, mer…
  538. RT @TheWhitePube: This week's text is a walkthrough on How To Get An Exhibition thewhitepube.co.uk/how-to-get-an-exhibition
  539. …in reply to @TheWhitePube
    @TheWhitePube thank you, this is exactly the advice i wanted
  540. RT @ompuco: #madewithunity
  541. this is a good joke littlemangallery.com/
  542. i have a PO-35 & wanna get another Pocket Operator - which one should I get? looking at the 1st & 2nd gen series, the Speak is a fun lead instrument, but the single voice (2 with the microtonic) is limiting
  543. …in reply to @v21
    probably the PO-12? hm
  544. …in reply to @Gremlins2Movie
    @ripairbud420 yeah, the PO-35 is one of the samplers!
  545. …in reply to @undefined
    @siobhangx @reallyfancy nice! yeah, i reckon the Rhythm...
  546. …in reply to @SRAVI_MA
    @SRAVI_MA oh wow! that's a really generous offer! will DM
  547. RT @shannonmattern: Creating a new post-Tron visual language for AI: System Aesthetics itsnicethat.com/articles/field-system-aesthetics-illustration-digital-120218
  548. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    @tinysubversions @ojahnn huh! thank you for doing the research I briefly pondered doing
  549. …in reply to @mewo2
    @mewo2 @tinysubversions @ojahnn I mean, presumably same?
  550. …in reply to @oopsohno
    @oopsohno i wonder if @FakeUnicode is able to help?
  551. …in reply to @v21
    the current thing we're doing, where we're ignoring copyright & provenance of the thousands of images we're using to train neural nets... is probably bad? idk. copyright law is also bad, but algorithmic laundering is probably not the answer
  552. …in reply to @v21
    also laws that hinge upon whether artistic depictions (of sometimes fictional characters) are of legal age... have obvious problems? people's fixation on canon doesn't get better when it is given legal force
  553. …in reply to @mcclure111
    @mcclure111 it's a concern! my current reading of the situation is: - it'll take years for people to determine the legal status, one way or another - enough people (rich enough companies) are ploughing ahead, it'll be a collective problem, not just yours
  554. …in reply to @undefined
    @digitalsqand @mcclure111 there's related stuff about numbers not being copyrightable, and digital files existing as very long numbers...
  555. …in reply to @v21
    @digitalsqand @mcclure111 but also (while I am pretty sure this does not enter into the legal test at all) there's information-theoretic stuff about noise and signal that probably applies here. a computer program that displays a coke logo clearly vs with 50% randomly perturbed pixels, vs 100%...
  556. …in reply to @v21
    @digitalsqand @mcclure111 neural nets seem a bunch more clear cut, though: @maxkreminski/968565956892008448
  557. …in reply to @maxkreminski
    @maxkreminski iiiinteresting. (also not too surprising)
  558. …in reply to @Seemo
    @Seemo @Radstronomical ahhh, it's hijinks (usually). matters that you play with people who approach it in the same way.
  559. …in reply to @hoskingc
    @hoskingc how is this enforced?
  560. somehow i saw the A MAZE nominees & forgot i contributed to one of them. go us! (go @thesaveroom) @thezium/968574653491900417
  561. …in reply to @v21
    here's a behind the scenes diagram working out how to show calming sphere
  562. …in reply to @katbamkapow
    @katbamkapow love to spend all evening not writing this residency application, absolutely love it
  563. …in reply to @stcymsn
    @stcymsn Versu! but the approach i usually take is to do stuff so lightly it works as a grab bag of contextless content. you don't really have a story that way, but you can have character, texture, worlds...
  564. …in reply to @stcymsn
    @stcymsn talking about putting more narrative into stuff at Sensible Object - but we're still making fun boardgames. so it always has to be be light & not hold up the game & come secondary to the other people you're playing with
  565. …in reply to @v21
    @stcymsn & on a previous (more trad narrative heavy) project I designed a QBN storylet system, which seemed pretty promising, but I left that project before we could really see where the cracks would show....
  566. RT @hashtagoras: Procedurally generated, wildly expensive nonsense “books” on Amazon are being used to launder money krebsonsecurity.com/2018/02/money-laundering-via-author-impersonation-on-amazon/
  567. …in reply to @skhxs
  568. RT @mink_ette: Looking for a male voice actor who can do 'ethereal gravitas' to be a ghostly Samurai voice. (Can be anywhere if you've got…
  569. RT @danhett: UK digital artists and makers, pour one out for Maplin's today. overpriced and mostly rubbish, but the absolute last-ditch sav…
  570. @hunktears i want you to know that even though i don't follow wrestling, and don't know who Greg is, I have the phrase "Greg is big now" echoing around my head
  571. …in reply to @BexSaltsman
    @BexSaltsman i know a couple of solo creative tech/indie devs (working from their houses) who have taken on interns at one point or another. it was beneficial, but also very intimate and intense...
  572. RT @lumpleygames: There's nothing in rpg design that's always good or always bad. It always depends on your vision for your game and its ow…
  573. RT @webbedspace: Game that absolutely saved your progress when you last played, and isn't desperately trying to quickly remember all the st…
  574. …in reply to @RobbyKraft
    @RobbyKraft = != ==
  575. …in reply to @RobbyKraft
    @RobbyKraft the whole idea of "assigning" a "variable" is pretty weird, tbh
  576. …in reply to @RobbyKraft
    @RobbyKraft yeah, not saying that's the language you should use at the start! is the reason for the holes & gardens metaphor to map to the physicality of the computer's limited & fixed layout of memory?
  577. …in reply to @RobbyKraft
    @RobbyKraft it's what it points to, it's a label on a jar...
  578. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz @KommanderKlobb I have a doc where I put all the different bios I write in... god knows what I'll put when I sort out my website.
  579. …in reply to @aeleitch
    @aeleitch @tinysubversions I used to have a CotW pic as my header image, and I enjoyed the very slow trickle of people going OMG! Castle of the Winds! I remember this!
  580. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz @KommanderKlobb ah, i like that! usually you have to take responsibility for your own lies, but I don't really mind if information about me is true or false (as long as it's flattering, ofc)
  581. …in reply to @RobbyKraft
    @RobbyKraft oh, I was thinking that the string goes in the jar, and even if you reuse the jar, the string is just lost down in the back of the cupboard. and you can take the string from two jars, and tie them together and put them in a third jar? metaphors only take you so far.
  582. …in reply to @vivschwarz
    @vivschwarz @KommanderKlobb yeah, i still fondly remember the time i was you
  583. …in reply to @v21
    @vivschwarz @KommanderKlobb (and yeah, having a fictional husband stealing your glory sucks!!)
  584. RT @beesandbombs: >:)
  585. …in reply to @xfoml
    @xfoml this is very cool
  586. RT @xfoml: I have a new project: Sheldon County is a generative podcast about life in a simulated American county that inhabits your phone…
  587. …in reply to @hownottodraw
    @hownottodraw boom! big news! lovely canadians! welcome to the poko dome!
  588. …in reply to @spacetreasured
    @spacetreasured @KOOPMode oh shit! if someone told me a year ago that you and kate would be working with the canadians... i would have went oh, huh, that's great news, it makes a lot of sense. can't wait to see it!
  589. …in reply to @aidowall
    @aidowall yes, matchy
  590. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC @JayMFernandes oh, i have never done that, i really should. i definitely do the thing where a round or a game is over, i ask opinions, then leave a little pause where they could start to play another game... or not.
  591. …in reply to @v21
    @ADAMATOMIC @JayMFernandes i mean, really this is just the ultimate extension of the playtesting rule "it's not what people say, it's what they do"
  592. …in reply to @omarieclaire
    @omarieclaire honestly i don't know of any advice that's useful for you - the fact you're asking this question already means you're in a really good place
  593. …in reply to @v21
    @omarieclaire oh, actually, one thing that's really hard, but would be super cool - follow up later, after you've applied some of the advice, and let them know how it went!
  594. …in reply to @JoLammert
    @JoLammert inspired by the time i write it, deleted it, then got a reply saying how good it was i didn't apologise!
  595. Larissa Pham, Notes on a Rape Story versobooks.com/blogs/3645-notes-on-a-rape-story
  596. RT @pippinbarr: Tanks!? Trailer youtu.be/DvTVIp3JwJQ
  597. …in reply to @ADAMATOMIC
    @ADAMATOMIC @JayMFernandes i mean, it has a lot to do with group dynamics, i have been working on short boardgames for years...
  598. …in reply to @hondanhon
    @hondanhon i think talking about "long-term/lifetime solitary confinement" is not quite right if the person is continuing to be harmful.
  599. RT @ekp: Google litigation shows, among other problems, how code review can be used as a weapon of exclusion--saw this at reddit and have h…